
Oh Pokemon. How is it that you can still drag me back in after all these years of the same game over and over?

@Koztah: This is true, no doubt. Regardless, he's just made his remaining time in the military more difficult than it should be.

Poor Hostutler. He's certainly brave to attach his name to those comments, but he's effectively killed any hope of upward mobility by showing that he's willing to openly criticize superiors - even if they are only indirect superiors.

@i ♥ Tofu: I can kind of see the antenna thing being missed if they only tested the thing when in those cases. But surely there was internal testing where the thing was naked, as Steve intended.

I was really interested in this until I realized it was Silicon Knights behind it. Does that make me a bad person? Am I the only one?

This looks really cool, actually. Here's hoping they keep the athletic/acrobatic vibe they're showing in this trailer.

@Matt0505: Just to play devil's advocate, GameStop does recognize the need to change things up. If you look at the experiments they are trying with digital services and redesigned stores, you can see that they are trying. Whether or not they'll succeed in surviving the transition to digital is simply unclear - not a

@Jandau: Regarding Codemasters, I totally see the guys point. Just "getting by" doesn't cut it. You have to grow your business or customer base or talent pool or something. Stagnation = death.

I'm really confused how Apple's QA processes didn't catch this kind of thing before now. It just doesn't make sense.

I enjoyed the first couple of episodes of No Ordinary Family because it felt lighter than the always-serious, terribly depressing show that Heroes became.

Very cool. But the other display trend I'm curious about is flexibility. I wonder if you could combine these?

The bar only raises for those of us who's girlfriends are not geeks who visit Gizmodo.

Except wouldn't the locksmith be the one to really know, since he's the one dealing with locks all day?

I've always been a fan of Iron Man, even more so since the movies have come out. You would think that Iron Man would be perfect for anime, since giant mecha-fights is at least half of content in those shows. But this...I don't know. Somehow it just feels off to me. Like they're trying to shoe-horn the character

I've never really been able to gargle salt water. Maybe I'm just using to much salt, but it always makes me gag.

I think any new Office-like suite really needs to be universally compatible in order to have even a chance of success. The instant I can't open a document correctly, I'm looking for an alternative. If they could be truly compatible with MS, Apple, Google and others, that would be my go-to.

The new Apple TV is pretty ideal for the non-tech savvy but wants-to-stream-video crowd. Which essentially means my mother. But I can't help thinking that a Mac Mini would be a better system for anyone that wants to do even just Hulu in addition to the other Apple TV stuff.

@trickybuz93: Actually, I bet it is on iPhone. MS may compete with Apple, but they recognize the user base as important. Otherwise they wouldn't have already developed and released apps for the platform.

Impressive. Most impressive.

Artificial Intelligence always intrigues me, and I would love to see it work in reality, but I honestly don't think it will happen - at least not the way that science fiction imagines it will.