
Sounds interesting, but I'm not wild about the free-to-play model. Too much potential for wildly varying player ability.

I think that's supposed to be Harley in #3, but it could also easily just some tramped up inmate.

I'm partial to the First Contact look, but I like the 2009 one at the end as well.

He said "Donald Mustard" and I was thinking, "The Shadow Complex guy?" Having seen the Chair logo, I'm quite excited for this!

I'm hoping they are including bugfixes with this too. Patches to date have still not addressed whatever it is that's causing my video card to overheat and shutdown.

The more I see of WP7, the more impressed I am.

@ElephantFace: Thank you. I was beginning to think I was the only one who preferred him to Craig.

@thepenguin55: Which is ok only because Conviction was amazing.

Can we choose the boy's name? I'm going to call him Skynet.

@Arëdyan: My brother was saying the exact same thing as we watched the latest CGI trailer for the Old Republic. Bioware's got the skills, now they just need someone to fund it.

Seems like LucasArts was really turning around lately, focusing on quality, and producing some good stuff. Why make these changes as the company is improving?

Based solely on your summary, I agree.

I'm really hoping that PS3 isn't the only console that gets this HD remake craze. I'd love to see these on Xbox 360, as well as other titles.

Game characters are just as worthy, IMO. The difference is largely one of history, I think.

I'll admit, most times I'm guilty of rushing through games. Oftentimes I'm less interested in testing myself against the AI, and more interested in the story. Many games just can't dole it out fast enough for me, and I don't often take the time to explore and find those little tidbits.

@ejp1082: I'm working my way through TNG, watching every episode since I missed a few growing up. I'll have to keep an eye out for that one, it sounds like the kind of thing I'm looking for. Thanks for the tip!

@pinkiedeathhead: I agree it would have been terrible if everyone was blaming Picard for Locutus all the time. What I wasn't fond of was that there seemed to be no recognition that it'd even happened, save a few Borg-centric episodes and First Contact.

I think someone else already said it but...

I love the DS9/TNG crossover piece just because it shows someone who doesn't think Picard walks on water. I think Picard's my favorite captain, but it always bothered me a little that everyone kind of brushed the whole Locutus thing under the rug.

@Moar_pr0nz: Between this and EA's acquisition of Bioware (and their partnership with Valve), it really seems like the big publishers have hit on a solid business plan for the most part.