
@playnicekids: I just got into WoW myself, and I love Starcraft, so I can safely say that if Blizzard did a Starcraft MMO it would likely consume my life.

@R0bster: That would quite possibly be the coolest thing of all time. I too will now spread this rumor in the hopes that someone will take it seriously and make it happen.

@DocSeuss: This. I went out of my way to purchase a new copy of Mirror's Edge because I wanted to encourage that kind of new-IP.

@aspasticninja: Minor correction: there was no contract with Microsoft. Microsoft bought them outright, along with the rights to all the IP that Bungie owned. In 2007 the Bungie team purchased the studio from Microsoft and became independent once again.

@IcarusFountain: Same. I wonder how far back their records go, because I haven't touched my Halo PC since probably three months after it released.

Costumes were great! Shep moved very robotically though.

@Fall-Apart: I was noticing that too. That Pete the horndog revealed he cared about Myka without it being a sexual/romantic thing was pretty great.

@Dr Rotwang!: Yeah, I think that was one of my favorite lines. The "I eat food!" thing was also brilliant!

I really liked the control scheme for Halo Wars. Granted, the game was built around that, and a straight-up port of SC2 using that scheme might not work. But I think it'd be interesting to see in action.

@pkt-zer0: I figured the debut was pre-rendered stuff - that much detail would have to be - but I thought Blizzard pre-rendered all their cinematics? I can't imagine *all* of that was real-time!

I'm a big fan of both Traviss and the Halo lore, so this is very exciting to me!

As much as I liked Gordon-Levitt in Inception, I have a hard time shaking thoughts of "3rd Rock kid!" whenever I see him.

Not that the trailer doesn't look amazing, but does anyone else think it's perhaps not quite as detailed as the debut trailer?

@doyleman7: Both IMAX and 3D tickets cost about the same around here. But a 3D IMAX ticket costs $25-30. It's crazy!

Thank you, Mr. Nolan. Less fad, more awesome!

@ziffelbat: Okay, now we're getting into mind-bending territory, and I've already got a headache. You win :P

@fuchikoma: Once again exactly right. Thanks!

@ziffelbat: But the fact that we share existence with other people who are equally capable of choice would seem to conflict with that idea.

@Nick2: That was actually my first thought as well. Even if it's a hard, etched glass, you're still likely to scratch it through everyday wear and tear.