
@CaptainJack: If you ever recall the name of the show, share it with us who haven't met the one yet!

@Jessysaurusrex: Just curious: do you feel the same way about synthetically created diamonds?

@ballistic3188: Not saying all games have to be art or that we can't fill that niche you speak of. Just that it seems the niche is becoming more the norm, and we as gamers are not better off for it.

@fuchikoma: Exactly. And with the DOA series being high profile like it is, it's an easy target/excuse for those who would label all games as "pandering fanservice".

@Jet Tredmont: Yeah, I was thinking that the act of "time travelling" itself would cause the fork, making your destination not only in the past, but in the past of the alternate universe.

@Lawdog: Exactly what I was thinking, thank you.

I appreciate the T&A like any other guy, but this really isn't helping the impression folks have of gamers. Certainly not one to throw in the ring for the argument of games as art.

@serenada: True. And maybe it's just my perceptions coloring what I see, but the alternate timeline that's been created just has a feeling of being incorrect to me. The timeline that we are used to as the audience seems like the status quo, and to deviate from that feels more like a rabbit trail than a completely

@DVD_Sandwich: It's not even a question of making it fun though, I think (although I agree with your point). The chaotic mess of explosions and sound can be as important to a story as silence. It really depends on what a storyteller is trying to convey.

Isn't it more likely that instead of increasing or decreasing probabilities to insane levels, the universe would simply fork the timeline at the point of grandfather-killing, creating a timeline where he did not die and you were born, and an alternate timeline where you killed him?

As cool as it was for BSG to show the (mostly) real way that space battles would be conducted, I don't think scifi would be half as interesting if there wasn't some dramatic license taken every now and then.

Not that I don't love me some vipers and sonic screwdrivers, but the Starfleet Academy ring is just unique enough to be extra cool to me.

@serenada: Well, I suppose they don't *have* to go back. But that seems to be the arc for this season.

I love that Eureka's done this and seems willing to explore the consequences of it. While it's pretty clear they'll have to go back to their timeline at some point, I'm personally hoping it's still just a little bit altered, forcing the characters - and audience - to wonder about things every now and then.

Having seen it last night, I finally see what the casting director for Nemesis saw in Tom Hardy. Maybe it's tied to his hair though?

@0xC001D00D: Yes! I loved both of them so much...I think I'm gonna have to find my copies again....

No lead SKU? Yeah right. If anything, it'll be a PC lead, with console versions lagging only a bit behind in development.

Everyone thinks this little girl is adorable (and she is!), but no one's asking why she's pointing. I don't know about you, but I'm curious.