
This looks really, really cool. I'd rather have this be a promo for a movie, as I was never too much into the games.

I've driven by this a few times. It's one thing to see in pictures, another to see in person. Very impressive.

@CutePuppyz: This would be a good question to have answered. If Giz is locked out, I'll have to look somewhere else for the WWDC keynote/live blog.

@Tiller: But it started out as a shell of a time.

I'm kind of sad to keep reading these reviews that say the game is unfinished/lacking polish. I was really looking forward to the game, but now I'm not so sure. I guess I'll have to wait rather than spend $60 on it.

I was looking for this exact kind of plugin the other day. I've got too many computers I use and am not fond of exporting and importing every time I need a bookmark. Got anything to sync add-ons in general?

I liked it, and plan on seeing it again this afternoon. I'm hopeful that, with these kinds of numbers, they'll give a sequel a shot and invest some more in the story.

Even with all the horror stories I've heard/read, and the realization that it's really just a lot of sweaty people in a too-small locale...I still really want to go to E3.

I just saw it and really liked it. By far the best video game movie yet, and a pretty solid movie overall in my opinion.

This really does sound more and more like the KOTOR 3-9 that BioWare has said it will be. And while I'd still love an actual KOTOR 3 (at least), I'm excited!

I'm really hoping this isn't a direct adaptation of one of the games, and instead takes place in a pre-Mass Effect 1 time period, featuring characters that we haven't seen in the games. They could even mention Shepard in passing, as long as they didn't specify the gender or actually show him/her.

@Sean Beanland: Same here on the Clancy games. Within a series, I organize by storyline. For instance, the newest Prince of Persia goes right between Sands of Time and Warrior Within. Makes replaying multiple games in a series more straightforward.

Purely alphabetical organization puts games out of order, so I alphabetize by series.

I've been playing Prince of Persia for an hour or so now, and I finally figured something out - it's a Botox ad! Just look at the Prince's face and you'll see what I mean.

@VincentGrey: I really don't get people that shift responsibility from the individual performing a stupid action and move it on over to mankind in general. Not saying people are innocent of the things you describe, just that it's not really fair or accurate to blame all for the actions of some. If it were, I could

J Allard was kind of the proto-Reggie. Sad to see him go, but he hasn't really been associated with Xbox (at least publicly) for some time now. I think Xbox will probably be just fine.

The best sequel I ever played was probably Star Trek: Elite Force II. The first was great, but the second just cranked things to another level. The atmosphere of the derelict ship at the beginning, the awesome weapons, the jump in was a sweet game.

PETA bothers me to no end, simply because they're more interested in the lives of animals than the lives of people.

I'm a sucker for collector's editions. I really, really like getting to see any "making of" stuff that they include, but I like the extra exclusive stuff too.