I’m pretty sure I was just saying “Boo-urns”.
I’m pretty sure I was just saying “Boo-urns”.
I’m gonna ask for a hair tutorial on that style right about now, please. PLEASE?
Ugh, you beat me! But that was my first thought.
You sure she wasn’t wearing this?
Great list! My boyfriend hates key changes, so I’m torturing him with this ‘un. It just needs Elvira by The Oak Ridge Boys and (how could you miss the mother of fifty key changes?) Phantom of the Opera by Sarah Brightman.
Also keeping with the Betty death quotes, when Betty’s father was living with the Drapers, right before he died, Betty takes out her cigarettes, and her father says something to the effect of “I’m not going to sit around and watch you commit suicide.” I can’t find the exact quote, but it’s something to that effect.
Rebecca, my boyfriend made fun of me when I played The Reflex in my car the other day. Break up with him? y/y? Btw, I already married Simon in 1983, when I was 10, but I'd be happy to co-wife with you.
At least it wasn't three times in a mirror. Because you don't want to know what happens.
My father was a coroner for LA County until January of 2012, and the way he says it is, there's NO way this happened. When someone who is as famous as Whitney Houston dies, they sequester the body from the rest of the bodies that are to be autopsied, because they want as few people as possible to see the body. My…
I know I'm in the grays, but this really needs the Archie Beat Off cover:
That is my biggest (for today, at least) pet peeve. I mean, calling thin people Skeletor is not just mean, but it's inaccurate. Skeletor is built like a brick shit funhouse.
Oh man, Kiefer better watch out. Freddie, after all, is married to Buffy:
I always say "chest hair is the best hair!"
And yet, I don't think this will be as good as The Pirates of Penzance.
But then I don't hear his voice, and that voice is liquid sex. I want to bathe in it.
So Lord Snot is a description as well as a name?
Also, if you have boobs, major neck aches. But way cute.
So, the Decca Mitford Route then?