Star Vixen

From a marketers prospective - that commercial was seriously perfect. The first time I saw it, actually gave me goosebumps. It actually made me that much more excited for the game.

I'm not saying people should do this- because I'd hate to have someone say they did it and ruined their stuff..... But I just use a vacuum attachment and vacuum out the fan on my laptop, dvd player, xbox, and any other electronic that gathers dust. Its always worked for me. I probably wouldn't use a dyson or oreck

Am I the only one who thinks this looks unsafe? It seems there is too much possibility for asphyxiation if the baby isn't perfectly put in there and watched at all times.

He's hot so I could care less.

@dicknervous: OMG me too. I almost cursed God.... Lol. Seeing this though, makes me glad I picked the Samsung, it kind of makes me feel more secure in my decision.

@Shin-GO: Oh her mom was always a bitch. I don't think she got in trouble because her mom always liked to put all the blame on me, even if I wasn't involved. She caught my friend smoking once and called my parents to tell them she caught her and my parents were like "did you catch our daughter? No?" Then her mom

@ClemyNX: If her mom didn't find the note and call the cops herself, there never would have been a problem. But she did, and the cops are obligated to come and decide if it was a valid threat or not. Looking back, I see the err in my ways and am kind of glad that we have police in my area that do take things

@grimjack28: You're missing my point, I think. I am not saying that he should be thrown in jail, made an example of, or cost people money -I am saying that the guy is an idiot and should have used better judgment. And to have people *jokingly* threaten to bomb airports to 'support' him is equally stupid. Because now,

I'm sorry but these people are stupid. The guy willingly put something on the internet, where we all know is not a secretive place and got caught. Unfortunately, we do live in an era where these things have to be taken seriously. He's an idiot for putting it on twitter, he's an adult and should have known better.

No Ilomilo mention? I think it's a AT&T exclusive for Xbox live, but it's a really cute game and free.

@Andy Mesa: Lol. You have no idea about credit do you? I have well over a 700 credit score (and have for years). I have, in the past, carried large balances. I have just recently paid them down to a good amount. I have about a 20% balance to available credit ratio. I pay 2.9% interest. Own my home, have a paid off

A drunk tongue speaks a sober mind.

Umm..... I spend maybe $100 on average on credit card a month. My phone bill (for two lines) will be $110. I just bought a WP7 yesterday.

Oh come on, the kid will just grow up to be Batman.... duh.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Oh no....... I have a feeling this can take off like the "angry birds" thread that one time.

Yep, she's done for. Facebook (we) are ripping her apart.

@campbell000: In my kids district, they all start learning Spanish in the first grade and it's required. I live in Michigan, so it's not vital to the area, but still - not a bad thing to learn.

@samsquanch: I wouldn't want it to play automatically. Just something that was there so people could see what you were listening to and if they want to - hear it.

@WestIndiesKING: Im not saying it would be on the wall in the news feed, I'm saying on my page. You know you can click people's page and see a little more about them.... yea there. I don't think it would bloat it anymore than Farmville, Mafia Wars, Frontier Towns, Horoscopes, Family Feud, Quizes......

I really wish Facebook would incorporate a "listening too" function on your page. Something where people who go to your page can see and hear what you like as far as music goes - kind of like the Myspace music player. Music has always been a better way, for me, to subtly hint that I was pissed, happy, mellow, etc.