Star Vixen

That's so clever! I <3 it!

@terrywood02: Ahh... Yea, I'd have to imagine leprechaun semen smells horrid.

Has anyone ever broken a regular lava lamp? The smell was so horrible I gagged a million times trying to clean it up. Always wondered why.....

I have a feeling that even if they do find a cure for the common cold - we'll never be able to access it. To many businesses rely on sales from people suffering from colds.

Wait - it just went up? I've been getting charged $10 a month (direct pay) for 2 months. WTF.

Grrr... I really wanted to win this.... Oh well.

Just another step towards a nanny state.

@evan_is_MrE: There are plenty of kid-friendly games. I too was in the "Mario/Sonic Generation" and now my kids are growing up with Mario (they aren't huge fans of Sonic though). Beyond Mario related games (New Super Mario Wii, Mario Party, Mario and Luigi Inside Story, and much more) they have the Lego brand games

At this point, I'd be happy to win poop-on-a-stick, just to say I won something.

At this point, I'd be happy to win poop-on-a-stick, just to say I won something.

I just want to be proposed to.... : (

@Eddard: That blog looks very interesting. Detroit is pretty much my backyard so I'm definitely going to have to read it. Thanks!

Say what you want about Detroit, but when we have awesomness like this - I feel a little glimmer of hope for this city.

@medrick: In Michigan it's 12%.

@Blore07: If you play online you can always find people to join you.

@PunkRockMachine: You can definitely do two and be fine. I've done it. But, it took me about 2.5 hours and I felt like I was like a stoner on speed... Also, I have seen someone drink 2.75 cans (in under 2 hours) and that was like watching everything bad you've ever seen all at once in slow motion. He paid for it the

Four Loko: If you're friends were drinking with you - convince them you asked to borrow them and they said yes. Make a joke out it. Be like "why in the WORLD would I even want those? Stupid Four Lokos" If you are generally a reputable person, and even if they pretty sure you didn't ask, they will accept it and wont

@DRaGZ: Ok, just making sure, lol.

@DRaGZ: After....