Star Vixen

@DRaGZ: Are you sure about that????

Potty Pigeon!!!!

While some have debunked a few the items, is anyone out there looking at all the things on the list? Are these really credible. I mean, maybe at one time they used blood in pasta as a color for those tri-colored pasta's, but I doubt it now. What about gelatin? I thought bone marrow and not skin was used in gelatin?

That was my mom's first phone. She got it right before I got my license (in 1999) and always made me take it when I left the house. I felt so bad ass with that phone. Too bad I could only use it to call home.

@maxijet: Oh just send it to him. It will be epic and you'll be a legend.

Wow - I take it you are a crusader against .... well probably a lot of things.

@ihaveascreenname: Yes we live in the same house and there is only one wall between our set-ups. We have two big screens and two xbox's. There should be a way where you can install the game on the hard-drives and be able to use the copy in one and non-downloadable copy in the other to make it work.

It's irritating that a company can still maintain control of something after you buy a product.

@Platypus Man: Kids. Plain and simple. When you have kids, it is easy to lose remotes, have things spilled on remotes, and have remotes end up in pretty obscure places.... Also, we have 6 t.v.'s (abundant, I know- but we pretty much only use 2).

Here's a tip:

@Hunter.Wolf: Well.... at least you know we are out there and really do exist.... lol.

I wonder if this will rekindle my love for RDR. My attention for the game really fizzled after I beat it. I had no real intentions of doing the side missions and for some reason can't even find anything really to do. If my kids weren't so obsessed with me riding my horse (which happens to still be the white one you

@Thanatos: Why the hell is it so hard then?

When my boyfriend got a 360 two years ago - I despised the thing. I couldn't understand how he could waste his free time playing video games. Finally - I figured if I can't beat 'em, join 'em and gave in and tried GoW2. Of course I sucked at first but was hooked. After I got better and would play multi-player I kind

So.... If I had played Super Mario Bros. 2 as a kid- It was the Lost Levels one???

@j.c.scribner: Yea, I know about defcon, but this was different (I think). You just went to the website and started clicking. It was addictive when I stumbled upon it but then didn't think to bookmark the link and haven't been able to find it since.