Star Vixen

Lol. Touche.

16 and up? What? Why?

I'm so excited! GoW2 was what got me interested in playing video games as an adult. I used to play multiplayer for hours on end every night with my boyfriend and had a blast. Now, we have our own Xbox's and TV's, so we will probably have to buy 2 copies.

I guess I'm in that lucky 2% that has a choice, but I'm even luckier that my boyfriend works for WOW, and we get their service as an employee courtesy account and pay very little for the best of everything they have. We even get half off ppv and onDemand movies :) . Our package would be about $200 a month if he wasn't

I have to side with HalLumos here. No matter what degree you are aspiring to receive, whether it is journalism, or business, or nursing - you are taught from the beginning to "consider your sources". HalLumos went and retrieved information straight from the horses mouth. Whereas it seems the author of the article took

I figured as much, but what I NEED to know is how long will I have to wait? I hate when something is announced and I have to wait 2+ years for it to finally come out. Especially when it's pushed back by months at a time (ahem- GOW3)...... For once I would like it to be "SURPRISE" - beta next week and release next

Hearing about his death this morning, I can say that this is the first time that I can recall that the death of a celebrity actually made me genuinely upset. He was one of my favorites of the Jackass clan, funny but not too obnoxious or overrated.

I wish I would have had that. I have twins (they are 8 now) and that would have been awesome. Not too much useful after they were out of high chairs, but cool just the same.

....and I can only assume you have more money than some of us and aren't a parent of twins..... Sorry but I don't care if it warmed their asses, played patty-cake, and wiped snotty noses - no way would I ever had dropped $600 on two high chairs....

There is no pic of it here, but if you follow the link and read the "Playstation Thumb" one, this is what it says.....

Who cares. She did it and it's more than some with no problems can say.

I think I heard that it was supposed to start at 6:00 pm. Better put your Sunday's best on!

That's funny.... I've cleared mine and never had to re-download updates and/or DLC.....

Cannot. Wait. So. Excited.

That's cool. Too bad I don't live any where near Seattle though....

I know they said for those that were getting in, they would get a copy of Reach. I signed up in pure hopes that some would be chosen to get new games that aren't released yet. Is there a Microsoft program for that? Where you can beta test actual hard copies of games and not just the online multiplayer beta....?

I live with my boyfriend and my twin boys in a house.

Wow, thanks! I never knew any of that.

I never played Max Payne so was not aware that the article photo was from that game. I honestly thought that that was a screenshot from an upcoming game. Of all the games in that article, the Max Payne one looks the realist to me, at least in the face - the goofy hands give it away (but they don't show in the pic

Since you noticed the advertisers in the game, do you mind if I ask you something? After seeing the names of the advertisers while playing, did you have any urge to shop at or eat at those places? I only ask because I am a Business Marketing student and always wondered about the impacts of advertising in video games.