Star Vixen

I bought the game yesterday as well. I took advantage of the Toys R Us deal - you buy the game and get a $15 TrU gift card and a strategy guide (a $20 value). So... In my mind it is easy for me to pretend that I *only* paid $25 for the game. If I keep telling myself that, I am okay with the purchase.... When my

You make very valid and respectable points until you said- "You cannot just judge a game based on if it has Multiplayer or not. If you do, then you're nothing short of a moron."

I have 3 points....

Way to be on top of things there Giz....

No, they don't. I have two of them.

You're right for saying "C'mon star commenter", especially since I have, on a few accounts complained that people say the same things others have and/or put the same pic (usually within minutes of each other). It drives me nuts. The further apart they are though, the less likely I am to complain since sometimes the

Maybe this was mentioned/asked already, but do that many people actually use their debit card? I mean, I have a debit/credit card from my bank. If I say debit- I put in my pin and the money is instantaneously withdrawn. If I say credit, I just sign and the money is taken (from my funds) within usually 24-36 hours....

How is that dripping with Internet Disease? The site? Or the girls? The site, The Chive is a huge pic site. They never use nudity and are even charitable. The girls, well I don't know what, if anything they have, but I was making the point that there are girls who play who are good looking and not fat.

Here is an argument to your opinion.....

Yes I know it wasn't Detroit only. I am just saying that I wish instead of everyone hating on Detroit all the time, why can't they come together and do something a little more productive...

Yes you are right, it was the internet- not the city. I just have an issue that everyone dogs on Detroit and is scared of it, but never once stepping in the city. Why can't the internet come together to help Detroit.

This in part amuses me and sickens me. I live very close to Detroit and know the kind of stigma that exists about the city. Deep down though, I love the city. What I have an issue about here though, is that there are people who are trying to do good in the city and are stopped. Recently a local rapper wanted to have a

I get irritated when people text something that really requires no return text (like a stupid joke or picture) and then text me later (sometimes as soon as a few minutes) and ask me if I got it.... My favorite people will then text 'k kewl' after I tell them that I received it. I should change my number - I've

I wonder if any batches that actually include the cocaine still exist.

'nuff said.

I wish they showed a better shot of the rainbow when it was done.

@oosiegewolfoo: In this instance- I agree with the mother. 13 is old enough to be taught a lesson like that. Doing it to a 7-9 year old, though, is something that their minds are not going to be able to process.

Those parents are complete assholes. I have two boys who have broken their fair share of things but there is a difference between intentionally destroying stuff and just being careless. They look all of 7-9 years old. This could really impact those kids in a negative way. Just take them away and say they are for

I have to wonder if they have any knowledge of how advanced things are these days. I know they saw the planes and would have to know there are some crazy things out there, but to what degree?

I'm in tears from laughing.