Star Vixen

@Mariblanka: Will you pay for gas for someone coming from 2,000 miles? Seriously....

Send me a plane ticket and I am there!!!

OMG! I never thought of this! Thank You!

@sanyo: That's a good idea (to wait) I repeatedly got my ass handed to me.

Blur ruined my confidence in ability to play racing games so I gave it to my 7 year olds to master.

@Dodge2002: That's the point. They are drawing you in to actually read the article.

Anywhere people are allowed to voice their opinion behind the veil of the internet will bring trolls. I take some of my classes online (which I HATE) and have discovered trolling within the class. The internet is like the "bridge of dreams", it was built so they came.

I always make sure to tell the person that I know that THEY aren't the one I am mad at and apologize if I sound short with them. Usually admitting that instantly calms me, and relieves some tensions the customer service person may have.

This is absurd. If you are not on a comfortable bed, you will likely toss and turn a lot- therefore causing you to not get into the much needed REM sleep.

@capitalH: Ha, what I did in my early teens is screwing with me now in my 20's...

@MirrorForTheSun: Oh, I love Gears 2. I know I said my reply was not knowledge based, and it really wasn't - I just objectively looked at the pictures and *tried* to understand what he meant by "Gears 1, 2, & 3 summed up by 3 pictures. Im stoked for Gears 3. Especially since there is a girl character.

@mcderek3000: It sure is. Maybe we should set aside a moment of silence for all the sleeve makers.

@MirrorForTheSun: My reply was based on the initial article- not on ANY knowledge of the game...

@blehbleh13: I know. It's very disappointing.

Wow, so many complaints about the resolution of the Gears 3 *scanned* picture.....

I just did this with an escrow check.

Im at a scary place with my car right now. It definitely needs some things done, but I am about 4 payments away from owning it free and clear. I NEED it to last for at least another year.

@Hello_Newman: I dont know where you live (obviously) but I live close to Detroit and there are like no dealerships that are open Sundays. At least none you would feel safe going to....