Star Vixen

OMG! I just bought some of those things to make the xbox coasters (I seen them on gizmodo last year) ! Now I can make these too.... I wish I could think of this stuff on my own every once in awhile.... lol

I had no idea Asus was such a good brand. I couldn't find to many reviews on the ones I was looking at when I was buying my kids a computer last month.

Not mixing is my key - and not just the alcohol itself - but the mixer too. I can drink copious amounts of bacardi and diet pepsi at home and honestly feel fine the next day. If I have a few at home, and then have a few out at the bar - I will usually feel like I was hit by a train. I have figured it has something to

Keeping that money as a down payment is good advice, but don't put all of it towards a down payment. Like the article said - one failed thing (the furnace in his case) can be a major financial disaster. I've been a homeowner for almost 3 years and last summer the basement flooded, while insurance eventually covered


@ohbejoyful: Eeek.... sorry :(. I always use a magic eraser to clean it and probably should have mentioned that.

This idea works really well on a refridgerator as well.

@Shigmiya64: Actually, if you notice the following two years the number of releases decreased. Also, games released 84-85 were probably already in development in 83.

My issue is that my laundry room is in the basement. Other than doing laundry, I have no reason to go down there. It makes it easy to let it slide when you are not bombarded with the amount you have. So... what I have been doing is making sure every dirty article of clothing gets piled up in the end of the hallway

One thing I noticed - which is similar to what they said- I often see a flock of names like Nicol23, Jared13, Sammi53 and I know they are all fake. Usually they will review on different days (so their reviews aren't stacked on each other), but if you check their profiles - they all reviewed the same things.

This makes me feel like crying.

Super. Mario. Legos!

@jrs: I do the same thing, except only once a day (but I get about 6hr a night 5-6 times a week and 8-10 hrs a night 1-2 times a week). My couch is fantastic for this.

@jamesesdad: Woa.... I did not intend to strike any nerves with my initial post but apparently I have.

I think I really prefer this method of getting new content. I am much more capable of paying $10 here and there to keep a game I love fresh and new as opposed to buying other games Im not sure of.

@Cellsong: OMG.... my head would explode....


@Garbage_Bear: Yes, it is definitely a challenge. And yes, Crawmerax is a PIA. My bf and I tried for the better part of an hour and got no where....