
why is ‘outing’ a thing

there is a very patronizing strain to these arguments where if we don’t recognize that the word ‘woman’ includes trans women, the next step is some heinous discrimination.

this guy really finds a way to be weird about everything

Well it’s not something I would say, but it’s also not a ‘threat.’

me, dumb: a lawyer denied an accusation

that was a weird coincidence when Darren Wilson arrested Dylan Roof in eerily similar circumstances

quite embarrassing to be rooting for a movie to make money in all honesty

You guys are very cute but feminism is nit any individual thing a woman wants to do

the nationwide rise in anti-semitism remains very...questionable

its pretty good proof though

sometimes it goes the other way.

news stories going against the narrative in your mind is a weird thing to be conflicted about.

if our economy is based on slave labor and uncompetitive wages its a bad economy

she has no legal standing to remain in America

she assumed she wouldn’t be deported, because america is so lenient

good gravy its a deportation, not a firing squad

yes and being in the United States is a privilege worth a lot more than 500

and DACA is work authorization you dolt

she works at a record store.

you’re right—their parents have done them a great wrong