
“his ninth, somehow”

Forgive me if I’m missing the point, but is this article suggesting that the movie will be bad or that the build up to it will be bad? I’m having difficult figuring out the point of the piece. The title doesn’t really have anything to do with the content. What’s the takeaway?

I think Stephens was being a little more nuanced than what’s written here. He cites medial and police reports, and points to a lack of physical evidence and a lack accusers, save one. That’s important. He points to the now-infamous Rolling Stone article, which was debunked, but not before being re-reported and

Stop the presses! We dug up another decade-plus old news article that we can use to feed our ravenous desire to destroy people!!!

It’s the same troll pretending to be someone else in the post too and they’re now claiming that Polanski deserves forgiveness...

because its inappropriate you dolt

please dont yas kweeeen a federal judge you humiliate yourself

no she is not.

a white millionaire helping a black millionaire make more millions is not social justice.

embarrassing. you are a partisan stooge.

hmmm you’re right...really going to have to reconsider my support for The New York Times for president

I guarantee you’ve used the phrase ‘whataboutism’ in earnest

Hillary behind on the issues of the day?! You don’t say!!

“You do not deserve to walk outside a prison again,” she added. “I just signed your death warrant.”

Jesus. They aren’t executing people in their homes. They’re taking people who are in violation of federal law and deporting them. Both aren’t nice but there are several orders of magnitude of difference between the two.

The casual experience of being drunk doesn’t connect to the delusional, antisocial spinning out of control that full-blown alcoholism can trigger. 40-50 percent of alcoholics in treatment meet the criteria for an antisocial personality disorder diagnosis—disregard and disdain for rules of social behavior. I find it

I bring up their ages because it’s an easy point to make. The guy is 26. He’s being sentenced to a period equal to half his lifetime so far in prison. To answer your question about whether 13 years or thereabouts would seem more reasonable for a 50-year-old, I don’t know the answer to that question. In the abstract,

Yes, 25-year-olds are kids. Sorry. You may be a lot younger than I am and find that insulting. Or you may view this as me infantilizing them because they’re white...or...whatever, but it’s just a matter of me having perspective on what it is to be 25 and what it is to be significantly older than that.

The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

As someone who lives in Japan, speaks Japanese, and wears Japanese clothes.... um. Japanese people honestly do not care about this. My first yukata was a gift by a boyfriend, who wanted me to wear it because it was cute. I have a $2000 furisode that is for special occasions... bought by the mother of my boyfriend for