
demand your country enforce the law of land and stop providing Silicon Valley and other corporate overlords with cheap labor

the article says DACA is a path to citizenship; it is not

1. DACA is specifically not a path to citizenship. It grants temporary work permits.

everyone who says that race is social needs to deal with the fact that she lived her life as black women

Gotta be honest Megan bomb threats and vandalism are not ‘attacks’


Boy the saltiness in this post is off the charts

what is this sins of father nonsense

wow congrats

yeah apocalypto is amazing

a bad thing is happening

let he who is without sin cast the first stone

this is very illiberal

now this is unfair.

ew go away

you liberals did this

you’re a snitch honestly, get over it

I am so appalled at the people who are gleeful at this prison sentence

hmmm no its actually not though

luckily thats not how our justice system works