
well in short you’re a pussy

ah yes we are all for leniency

“I’m all for prison terms being shorter for non-violent crimes”

kellyanne REALLY brings out the misogyny in good liberals huh

you guys really need to get over it.

the third la la land producer, if you watch the tape, was told moonlight won and still took the opportunity to give an acceptance speech

three speeches in is deceptive because that last guy clearly knew moonlight won and went ahead and took his opportunity to give an acceptance speech

fuck off not everything you don’t like is related

we as a society need to be able to forgive people for things

well Jameis Winston was going to be my moral bulwark in these troubled times

Go to bed grandpa

ah so you persecute milo for his beliefs? do tell

I agree with my fellow commenters because as we all Susan Sarandon goes so goes the rust belt  

can’t be bothered to care about a models makeup and wardrobe and I doubt any Japanese people do either

it weird when people say things like ‘she should know it would ruffle feathers’

1. this is weirdly detailed fan fiction about a celebrity

I regret to inform you that geisha is not a race

its very silly is what it is

why should there even be ire

really doesn’t rise to the level of all that