
These are my favorite controversies.

She’s right on the equal pay question.

the irony is that the art style of manga and anime already de-asians characters

‘In what stupid, backward, hillbilly, sister-fucking world does there have to be an official who “declares” dictators?’

Because the way elections work in this country—which is a republic made up of states—is we have 51 popular vote contests to decide the presidency. The amount of electors is determinined by population.

thanks orwell

Yeah see you’re a gutless nincompoop

Again I’ll make this point but if he’s a dictator you should be resisting with force

Okay well if he’s actually a dictator why are you not organizing an armed resistance


Would love to hear what ahistorical parallel you’d like to draw

I’m not believing it’s impossible, I’m disbelieving it’s happening

Why? Because your candidate lost? This is such grasping at straws

God you really are a sore loser

yeah you’re a lunatic



Boy Kelly Anne really brings out the misogyny in you people

You continue to point to innuendo, rhetoric and things that just plain haven’t happened yet as evidence Trump is a hitlerian figure.

Oh my god do you seriously think the climate in America today is any way analagous to Germany between the wars