
Love to hear from this little eichmann that trump isn’t Machiavellian enough

Yes you dolt.

I’m not in anyway anti-immigration but this argument is stupid.

trump is a maniac and a racist

‘They don’t have empathy’

do you want them put in stocks so you can hurl cabbages at them

Good god the knives come out so quickly with you so called liberals. You give us all a bad name with your maniacal purging of the wrongthinkers

Oh that is just plain wrong!

He’s right though

I thought liberals were the ones that knew American exceptionalism was bullshit

Well the only real parallel that matters is the killing of political opponents and genocide of innocent civilians and neither is happening

Best thing about ‘fighting’ ‘nazis’ is that everyone who disagrees with you is a vichy or an appeaser or a sympathizer lol

Yeah well I voted for Hillary so idk what to tell you

just an example of an actual political statement you pedant

yeah because you’re old you fucking loser, and I never said you didn’t ride the subway

bit of a reach no

bannon expressly disavowed anti-semitism

love this reasoning

richard spencer ≠ steve bannon

I take the L train every day bitchmade