
I think a better solution would be instead of boards, have a ledge that players will fall over and then a Turtle on a cloud with a fishing pole rescues them and drops them back in the middle of the ice.

*marvels at the banhammer*

"Lots of people get Georges mixed up. Its an easy mistake that anyone could make," said the protesters as they left George Zimmer's lawn.

"No live entertainment? Thanks, Arlington - might as well make it a fucking cemetery."

"They played a whale of a game."
-Captain Ahab

If Artie Lange never used drugs, he'd look like Dan LeBatard.

And just like that, Lebatard is my new favorite ESPN gasbag.

Executive Producer

The Chiefs parking lot also has shooting, but it's less fun than this.

I can still hit the ball 45 yards outside the numbers with good hangtime

Papa Magary, 1990: "Drew! Did my magazine collection give you a bloody cock?"

Like the photoeditor of this post, you're right: I have no idea about this crop of young QBs.

Here's a leaked look at how WWE edited the end of Wrestlemania 20 for future dvd releases:

Gods pencil. The Pentel P205 and family. However, the P203 was my favorite.

Just like someone coming out of the Tillman Tunnel to get run into and knocked over by his own teammates

Ya when did that shit start anyways?