Who’s laughing?
Who’s laughing?
If you think you can figure out a way to make that happen, go for it. The world’s best and brightest have been working at that since the dawn of time. Good luck!
“Not all opinions are worth sharing.”
You seem fun.
Actually, I can have an opinion on anything at all. That’s how opinions work.
It’s Gawker. There’s a reason it was awkwardly tossed in there.
You don’t like gifts?
Well, let’s see:
It’s a box of powder, grandma. Go to bed.
No, it’s not. They’re dumber than dogshit and are incapable of making the required synapse-to-synapse connections to “get” anything. They just watch Fox News and wait to be told what they were supposed to think of whatever he say or does besides “positive for vague reasons.”
Also, I know if my phone gets so hot that it’s in danger of dying, it shuts itself off and warns me that I need to go do something else and chill because it’s not turning back on until it cools down. I have no idea if video game consoles do the same, but it seems like maybe? Probably?
The third party people are always there. Anyone can vote for them if they wish.
Well, yeah, we don’t want what we don’t understand and nobody likes change, so we stick with what we have. It’s also why third party candidates are always dead meat.
You should improve your reading comprehension skills.
I mean, I’m not gonna tell you how to conduct your personal business, but I spend my leisure time around people I find agreeable and who hold views and opinions on shit that are similar to my own.
Why on Earth would you want to go to a party with someone you disagree with on virtually everything?
Voters WANT this system. It always gives you something to talk about (if you’re insufferable) and it provides a simple binary choice. That’s the correct difficulty level for most voters. A or B. Up or down. 1 or 2.
Yup. I mean, it’s entertaining at times, but none of this shit really matters.
I, never... said that?