People ask us why we harp on Bill Simmons a lot here and the answer is because he’s the most powerful, influential sportswriter in America.
People ask us why we harp on Bill Simmons a lot here and the answer is because he’s the most powerful, influential sportswriter in America.
Right...but this presumes anyone is interested in the working poor being able to retire (except, obvs, the working poor). I mean, look, I am speaking from an economic point of view. Double wages for working at McDonalds and you accomplish very little other than raising inflation and increasing the costs for consumer…
New Orleans Saints 2006-present.
Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?
Yeah, I seriously want one of those right now. That shit is good. You know what else is good? Spaghetti burritos.
You’ve never tried a spaghetti sandwich? What about spaghetti pizza? So good.
Don’t forget bachelor curry w/noodles, Cup of noodles with hot sauce
How does it compare to bachelor spaghetti (i.e. noodles, cut up hot dogs, and ketchup)?
... I love it as a platform for jokes. Not real discussion, just humor.
That argument doesn’t hold up. First, I knew a few people in that industry and they were pretty businesslike about such things.
So explain how in 2004, the entire porn industry had to just STOP production to try and stop HIV from spreading because a person who was allegedly being tested on the reg was SO positive, there were legitimate concerns that the ENTIRE porn community had been exposed.
1. Unless you’re in the business, you can’t make such a definitive statement about who’s being careful and who’s not. Secondhand information is extremely unreliable in this kind of situation.
The gay porn side is not nearly as stringent with testing as many gay porn performers have whistle blown over the years. In condom shoots there’s a don’t ask don’t tell philosophy. And performers do show up with dated certificates and still shoot as long as the other party doesn’t ask. In bareback shoots it can go…
Well porn-sex usually means hours of rather mechanical sex. Women are likely to get micro-tears in their vaginas, which increases the risk of HIV-transmission
What’s bigoted about a women not wanting to have unprotected sex? She’s not anti-gay, she’s anti-STD. I thought a woman had a right to choose what happens to her body. I guess that only applies if she passes your ideological test.
Apparently they don’t have the same testing requirements. That was her argument and a lot of people backed her up on that
Somebody clue me in here, because I am ignorant. The thing that was wrong with her original tweet was:
Former Applebee’s manager here: they will absolutely set a limit on how many drinks you can have. Manager training 101 taught us to eyeball anyone who orders a third drink, regardless of whether it’s beer, wine, LIT’s, whatever. So, unless your friendly neighborhood Bee’s management has developed amotivational…
How can this be true AND Jerruh is the shadow commissioner? Like there’s someone behind him pulling the strings? That’s stupid