Stan Kroenke's Hairpiece

This is why I almost feel sorry for the people who release public statements on his behalf. They go out, lie, say that ____ never happened, attach their name to the lie, a lie that might never normally come to light, and then a day later, Trump says “oh, that TOTALLY happened. For sure. Bigly.” and makes them look

It’s not, though. It’s used correctly in that context.

“Seems to have tried” is not legal proof of anything, nor is what is gonna get brushed off as a benign aside and can’t be proven, in the moment, to have been anything more than that, especially behind closed doors.

No, they’re not.

Lieberman is a republican who got in the wrong line when they were handing out the donkey and elephant pins. How the party hasn’t ostracized him, I have no idea.


He’s an actor, not some random British lad who works in a shop selling powdered wigs and buckle shoes (note: never been to the UK) to the commoners.

1. Yes, the photos used in a story are usually less dramatic and smaller than the cover photo. That’s how things work.


Correct. There’s two ways: the right way and the wrong way.

This one post gets her about 60% of the way to “Famous Instagram Influencer.”

Yup. If you want to discard the fat before eating because you don’t want to chew on a giant blob of fat, good for you, but people who trim the fat BEFORE cooking should just relinquish all meat products to those more informed and knowledgeable. Go eat strained bananas and granola, you headcases.

“...but when the decision is made, it’s his job to do it or get out. Not to undermine it. Same as with Yates.” 

Who say he WANTS to keep this job?

“Roger that. I got a live one in sight. Locked on target and deploying tackle.”

Correct, that’s me.

And proud of it. Eat shit.

If YOU want to wash my dishes, go for it. If not, be grateful for what you get.

Awww ;) *blushes*