Tuna Can Jones

Yes, that “something” is “being better than the NY Yankees.” Case closed.

So, the NFL team for the most diverse city in the country, has mostly racist fans, huh? You basing that on something in particular? Anyone that has ever attended a Texans game, especially the tailgate scene ahead of the game, could easily spot the ignorance on display here with your comment. In fact, it’s kind of

Waiting for your, and all the knee-jerk jagoffs in the comments, to come back here when there is video evidence, and a trial, that definitively proves this POS put his hands on, and assaulted, an elderly paraplegic.

Actually, if you remove every player’s free throws from their scoring averages, James Harden still leads the league in PPG. Yet another example of logging onto the internet to state a fact that stands for X, even though the proof of how X is a myth at worst, and a selective selection of facts, at best, is literally

That is some peak old man, “in my day” bullshit take-rism. The only thing better on here is all you dipshits that have it explained to you, with video evidence, within the first few posts/comments above how this move is definitively NOT a travel (which video also features a similar move by Kyrie) and has been the same

Unless the guy running the pool owns the company, who gives a fuck what the old employee did or did not do? If he’s shady, don’t let him take the money and require that he pays up front. If he’s a dick or an asshole you always hated, fuck him. But leaving him out b/c the man’s telling of the story of his departure

Not only did you misspell “screwed out of” there, you don’t appear to have any realistic idea of the type of person Harden is at this point. He won’t shit a brick, just as he did not last year. It’s funny how Harden gets a bad rap as a locker room cancer/distraction, mostly because of allegations related to Kevin

From the day or two before the election through now, you have so thoroughly demonstrated how completely and utterly wrong you are about damn near everything ‘politics’ in the US, it’s a wonder why you keep publishing these screeds. I didn’t vote for Trump, but the complete derangement with which you carry on -

Now you’re going to tell me that everything released or done in public by a WH photog and/or staff is unimpeachable? Like a 6'3" 235lb Trump? Or, again, is it just that you cannot see past your masturbatory Trump derangement that you fail to grasp the problem with - once again - offering as proof of difference

I see reading comp isn’t your strong point huh? I think you missed the point of those earlier remarks.

Do you compare guys in their late 40's to guys in their mid 70's for fitness comparisons? Or only when it fits snugly into your comfortable little partisan points of view? Only after Bubba had a massive coronary and related surgical interventions did his diet/fitness change dumbass. They were/are both marshmallows as

It also works 100% of the time that it works to prevent or lessen the severity of the flu, every time. I’m sure these are accurate stats. For instance, my family all got the flu vaccine, none of us has become ill from the flu. How does that count in these stats? Who is counting us? And when will they be contacting us

Same result really as would have been the case ~ 1992-2000, too. What’s your point other than that you have no substance?

Bill Clinton also liked to get in a good rape or two, at least when an intern’s mouth wasn’t at the ready. And I’d hardly call dashing from Limo One into a McDonald’s to grab a McRib “jogging.” But yeah, go ahead and pretend that Bill Clinton wasn’t every bit as much of a piece of shit in terms of exercise, predatory

‘“I have a dream” that one day a man will be completely justified in belittling and “shush”-ing another man for speaking solely based upon the color of his skin.’

In his defense, you are probably selling him a few years short. He probably became aware of that franchise a few years earlier when Sportsturdguy Bill Simmons was worshipping at the altar of Barron Davis’ squad that pulled the 8 seed v. 1 seed upset in the West after Dallas won (or got beat by the Heat, cannot

re: “those Houston teams” with Sampson, Drexler, and (then) Akeem - I assume you are referring to their pick-up squads over at Fonde Rec Center in the off seasons b/c those 3 were never on the same team. Also, I think Moses Malone and Calvin Murphy ran with those guys at Fonde too (with Sampson running point,

Congratulations on being the dumbest person in the comments. Quite the honor!

Well, duh.

Remember that time you wrote a long similar piece about Bill Clinton? Because this is also a widely known open-secret about him as well. But you know, he’s a liberal, so I guess similar “if he cheats at golf, he must cheat when it comes to obeying laws related to corruption, etc.” don’t apply, right?