
I was never a fan of Schilling. He’s one where I couldn’t seperate the asshole from analyst. Agree with Kruk. Morgan wasn’t great but I do REALLY miss Jon Miller on national broadcasts. He was great.

Holy shit I had no idea my father in law commented here.

Mendoza is way better than Boone and some of the other hacks they’ve put on SNB (Schilling).

Well your dislike of Mendoza is probably rooted in misogyny so we can spread the accusations across a spectrum

anyone noticing a pattern in this comment?

Maybe it’s all part of some retro shift, like all the kids like these days, right? Going back to the early ESPN days where they’d fill the time with shit that barely passed as ‘sports’, much less ‘entertaining’?

It’s been years and I still don’t know if I like Ryen Russillo or not.

Don’t forget that during that 3D died a few years ago. It was the 1st movie to use 3D successfully, but no cares about 3D anymore.

The problem isn’t that people hate Avatar, per se. It’s that it inspires no strong feelings one way or the other. It’s a pretty film to look at, and the 3D was impressive (apparently) but the plot is totally derivative, the characters are forgettable and the Macguffin of the film is literally called Unobtanium. How

The question always comes back to “Why?” for me. The zeitgeist has faded. Maybe it can come back, but it’s so hard to recapture.

So effectively almost another 4 years until the first film?

This is actually relevant to my interests. I had no idea about this. I’m not a smoker, but the handful of times I’ve done it I’ve either been too in my own head or paranoid to enjoy it or I felt really relaxed and happy. Since it is illegal where I am (except now you can get it prescribed for very specific

You missed the worst one:

I was around in the 80's and we never even saw Deloreans then.

This is the best song about North Korea since the number #1 song in the DPRK for 260 weeks running titled “Kim Jong-un is the best. He’s the best. He’s the sun in our sky. He’s amazing. Please don’t kill me, amazing one. Because he’s the best. Kim Jong-un is wonderful at everything. Because he’s the best. He’s the

“Look how chill and laid back I am in my sporty baseball cap and my rugged flannel. And, and, false eyelashes. I’m just like you!”

Lost will go down in history as the biggest let down ever. The show was brilliant, had all this build up and then became simply too meta for its own good.

The final season was simply all over the place. I figured out the twist of the alternate reality with like 4 episodes to go. And some of the biggest questions

I’m not silencing you, I’m insulting you. Get it right.