
Seriously. There are no words for how disgusting and inexcusable that is.

Yeah, he thinks that because he’s like any other major college coach, where they insulate themselves with a staff that handles the details so that he/she can focus on the x’s and o’s. Eventually, they reach the Paterno level, where they simply don't understand how the world outside the field works. Coaches at that

“The Christening”

Actually. I prefer the title

Yes yes. Let’s focus on raw, authentic music culture, by watching yet another fucking t.v. network talent show.

Right? I came here to say this. Suddenly, the cops remember they have non-gun options, even when dealing with a coked-out guy with a fucking rifle. Seriously, tell me again how big Michael Brown was and how impossible it was to subdue him without multiple gunshots.

“She cheated on me...” So what?! Grow the fuck up crybaby. Once again a woman is dead cause a man threw a temper tantrum.

Blue Lives Matter!

Oh, good. American society is continuing to function as intended.

Spot on with regards to disincentives. In fact, since his career probably would have ended in 2012 or 2013 without PED’s, I’ll bet he has exactly zero regrets about taking them.

It makes me First Degree Murdery. My aunt was married to a guy who is still doing time for kiddie porn (he was grooming his daughter in the process as well.) I hate him. I mean I genuinely hate him in that I want him dead. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire, shit, I’d make s’mores I hate him so. When he finally

I think crimes against the most vulnerable within society are the absolute worst and they are seemingly and unfortunately the most pervasive. My heart weeps with yours

The “dancing in the end zone” thing is what seems to infuriate these conspiracy-theorists to even greater heights of delusion. They are desperately committed to the notion of international criminality as an east vs. west boner-waving contest, and it’s really weird and disturbing to me.

What a thoughtful, excellently written letter by Ismael El Iraki. Honestly, Hughes doesn’t deserve such a classy response, he just deserves a “fuck you”.

Palm Desert... it’s like the ABQ of the CV and when it comes to natives only Hemet tops it...

You never see bad guys in movies who are Arab terrorists. It’s always Germans or French…

Whenever any article about someone includes the words “in an interview with Taki’s Magazine,” you can just stop listening there because what’s coming up next is going to be racist filth. The “magazine” is just a thinly veiled Stormfront wannabe.