
I hate that you posted this. Throughout the episode, I was thinking the same thing, even from Joel McHale (I’m a huge fangirl and forgive him easily) but I thought, no, Dana and Fox wouldn’t do that to me. But yeah, everyone was awful. Love them, but they were not giving us their best.

Slightly off topic, but did anyone else find the acting performances in this premier episode to be frankly terrible? Duchovney is so clearly just cashing a paycheck it's ridiculous.

Big latino population in Anaheim, actually.

Oh you know all the OC ones are. If you live in southern Cali, you know the OC ones are, along with everyone who lives in the OC.



I adore you, Jennifer, and I support your goals, but I’m pretty sure Helen Mirren is going to do the bikini thing before you.

Out of all of the Christopher Guest movies, that is my favorite.

Whatever we need to do to stop those fucking terrible shazam coke commercials, I am a willing participant.

It’s a good thing I already detest “American Pie.” I hate it when a famous person does something horrible and I have to start hating everything they’ve ever done in their entire lives.

In fairness, this is ESPN drug analyst Cris Carter’s area of expertise.

I have a feeling there’s more to this story....

The spice must flow.

The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.

All of this.

Yup...This definitely sounds like a guy who knows a lot about synthetic weed.
I’m sorry, meant, “Sounds like a a guy who’s smoked a ton of bath salts.” My bad.

As someone who has never smoked anything and is not a doctor/scientist, I can confirm that all of this is 100% accurate.

Pinwheel. Pinwheel. Spinning around. Come look in my pinwheel and see what I found.

Pinwheell!! I can still sing that goddamn sing, ha. And yes, You Can't Do That on Television was my crack.