Extreme Taco

The founders were pieces of shit, pretty much without exception, and I have no problem with tearing down every likeness of them ever assembled. But it does not follow that because Confederate statues are coming down, all statues must come down. Even a very small child knows better than that.

Why the fuck does her friend think she’d profit from the sex-tape too?

Guys, c’mon. We stopped stoning Christians to death centuries ago.

Tebow: [steps into RH batter’s box]

Lucky for this bar brawling, boob-grabbing domestic abuser that he didn’t take a knee during the anthem, or his career would be over.

A close call, I think we can all agree.

Some of us remember sucking for 40 years before he got here.

Do we count “Butt Pee”?

Yeast infection.

I’ll never understand the assholes who don’t enjoy this series. I love the Saints, and I love this post.

Wow, quick start to the butthurt today.

Yes. There is still a huge market on the street. Some people don’t want to deal with the bullshit, some people don’t want to pay for a card, for some people it is more convenient to just buy from “their guy.”

Sometimes for the thrill. Like cheating on a spouse.

I can’t speak for the rest of the state, but every person in Southern California has a dispensary within 1 square mile of where they are right now.

“Running is the easier, lazier way to play QB.”

Quick question: how many teams could Kapernick sign today and be the Week 1 starter but the team won’t do it because it’ll make people sad and say and do dumb shit on social media?

The fact that it was a Thanksgiving Day game makes it even better.

Now playing

I think it’s appropriate to post this here. Everyone’s seen the buttfumble gif, but the gif leaves out the touchdown and lacks a certain...yackety sax

Byron Leftwich will be on that list, just as soon as he completes his throwing motion on this pass he started in 2009.

I am fully prepared to argue to the death with anyone who thinks that the Glennon contract is terrible. I have vehemently defending moving up one spot to take Trubisky because I’ve heard other teams were also going after that #2 spot and you have to go get your guy. Neither has thrown a pass that matters for this