
@Wwhat: That wasn't Saddam. It was Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, the head of his secret police, who had his head accidentally ripped off when the miscalculated the drop distance.

@Damn the Fanboys: hanging doesn't inflict pain, either. The goal is to immediately break the neck and the inmate is out like a light.

My girlfriend found out my landline number without me giving it her. Yeah, I wasn't really impressed... that was the beginning of the end for her.

@ryan.hillmann: Sigh, if there were a cure for stupidity, it would save me the irrelevance of your senseless banter. Perhaps if every single post you made wasn't some stupid remark, a bunch of "self righteous nerds" wouldn't have to correct you.

@ryan.hillmann: if there were any more FUD in this post your eyes would be brown.

I wish, Tivo would give us one more programmable button.

I've been waiting for them to release this for a while. Ordered it the second I saw this article.

Ah ha! The goatse is unblocked and shall prevail!

@Jeff: Trying... so hard... not to do... Mom joke...

@zenneth: The nuts may not scratch glass, but the mess will likely cause the metal weight to wobble during descent which could scratch the glass.

@Voldy1: The data, itself, is static. The quantum computer is just a tool to crack the encryption.

Here's the problem. Assuming it actually breaks the nut, you're going to end up with nut shell residue all over the inside of the tube, the top of the base, and on the weight.

For all of you interested in the duo charger. I just emailed and got a response from XtremeMac tech support.

If this duo works with a bumpered iPhone 4, I'm totally in.

I sense that a shark is being jumped over...

Bills like this usually go nowhere. Politicians need to stop wasting time with items that overstep the bounds of our government. It's not Congress' job to design the next iPhone. If radio has become too outdated to compete they need to adapt or die.

@srornat: I'd question the skill level of someone who's problems with a computer go away with a mere UI fix that has no actual functional change.

@pinshot: Problem with the eastern countries is if people find out you're sitting on a bunch of cash you're probably not going to have it for long.