
Simple. All the info in the universe won't help you much if you're dead. Priorities: 1) Don't be dead. 2) Learn cool stuff.

He made all the money here because all his wealth is coming from Facebook stock that is IPO'ing on the US market. Facebook users, themselves, have no taxable value. He's lucky in that his income would have been taxed at the capitol gains rate which is much lower than what normal people pay on their taxes and that's

From what I understand, they power your computer down, take it, remove the drive, clone the drive (perhaps a few times), then try to recover your data - I'd imagine from the clone(s). The computer's data has to be destroyed before it's initially powered down or whoever is trying to hide stuff is potentially hosed. If

They'd better find a new legal team if they did otherwise.

I think you may be confused on some aspects of your TV. LED, whether full, 3 color, or edge lit, is the TVs backlight. Your display is actually LCD. LCD with a LED backlight as opposed to LCD with florescent backlights.

FYI: plasma screes are 600 hz. Your 240 hz would be best used if watching active 3D content as each field could be shown at 120 hz where as 120 hz set would drop to 60 hz per field which would cause flickering. Not sure if your set works that way, but if it does you can use those hz now, rather than later as I don't

It's not that easy to hop carriers. AT&T is GSM and not compatible with either Sprint or Verizon networks. T-Mobile is also GSM but AT&T 3G (at least with the iPhone) is not compatible with theirs due to T-Mobile being on some odd frequencies, only 2G (Edge) works with T-Mobile in that case.

Now that's something that needs to be highlighted!

Without getting into details, the cuts we've seen this year are most certainly the beginning. I've no idea if they'll be "nearly enough or not" but there will be more where those came from. I really do hope that I'm wrong and that the info being fed to me is incorrect - for my own sake, I want you to be right to some

+1 do not like.

Whether or not that may be the case (I'm not here to argue about the many ways in which the government chooses to spend or waste its money), the OP wrote about spending cuts hindering advances in technology and my reply is on those grounds. These cuts, whether or not you agree with them, don't advance technology (for

Yes they did. If you saw the massive layoffs going on everywhere in the military-industrial sector you'd know what I'm talking about. I've seen around a thousand middle class professional jobs from various companies disappear in my city alone in the last year - or would you prefer to use something made up over facts?

Actually most of it comes from the military-industrial complex they ready cut the hell out of that spending.

If anything happens to them I hope they'd hold Spike Lee personally responsible. The only reason to send out someone's address is to hope some unstable person decides to dish out some vigilante justice - and that's not the right way to do things.

Strange, my iPad 3 seems to have much better connectivity over my iPad 1. I don't have an iPad 2, however, so I can't compare to that. I've gone from 1-3 bars to 3 bars solid and faster browsing speeds.

This is a complete non-issue. Let's not make a big deal of it. California has a tendency to go over the deep end and just about everything has that warning on it. This ingredient sounds a lot like saccharin which causes cancer in lab animals if they eat obscene amounts of it, but you don't hear people complaining

That's not necessarily the case. When the iPhone 4 came out, I was able to pick it up at the subsidized price with a new contract and grandfather my unlimited data plan.

I own a Glock 23, I don't see how it's a very safe gun. There is no safety. The switch on the trigger just minimizes the chances of it accidentally going off so long as no one accidentally pulls the trigger.

+1 that poster has no idea what he's talking about. The industry does have it's issue but his facts not accurate.

The problem is that there is no guarantee that you're actually getting what you think you're getting when dealing with unlicensed pharmacies. It is not uncommon to get drugs that are actually a placebo or a poorly manufactured knockoff. If the drug were a 100% legitimate product, I'd agree with you but there is no