
I know where my balls are, don't need to stinkin' tracking chips. Thank you very much.

@RubberCity: Your delusional. SBM made a blanket claim. The company does take this stuff seriosly. If no one reports it then what are they supposed to do. Read minds?

@RubberCity: If this is true and your friends choose not to report it then they're just as much part of the problem for allowing this to continue.

@SBM_from_LA: No offense but your going on generalizations without any actual firsthand knowledge and have no clue what you're talking about.

@pinshot: $1M isn't really that much money these days and he had to split it. It's not enough to make jumping countries worthwhile.

@RubberCity: WTF are you talking about? GM has had very strict rules on gift acceptance. Anything worth more than about $20-$25 is against the rules.

@truthtellah: I pointed my sarcasm meter at Antoine Prince's comment and it went BEEP BEEP BEEP!

Makes it look like spontaneously combusting batteries is a feature.

@kalleboo: My Air only has one port, so I'm pretty much forced into the hub zone. The USB ports on my 24" LED cinema display are actually hooked up to my PC.

@mtfmuffins: No worries, it's not a big deal.

@kalleboo: Even so, I still don't see the problem. So get a USB cable adapter and plug the USB from the monitor cable into the back of your computer and you have use of the hub. Shouldn't be a big deal.

@mtfmuffins: The only backlash is your need to insult republicans in your rant. Do you honestly believe that high level democratic execs behave any different?

@kalleboo: You've got it backwards. This is for if you're using a PC monitor with Macs.

I'm going to call BS on this. It's because of the USB to PS/2 adaptor. That thing only works for *some* mice and keyboards. It'll definately not work with anything more advanced.

If this device ends up on Gizmodo, you guys will officially be the most hardcore blog ever!

In other news, iPhone users lie more about having sex than Android users...

I love the idea of a MS tablet, but that needs a lot more refinement to be a worthwhile experience.

Now they just need to make it transparent and the new iPhone will be invincible!