
@Lur: Apple has a history of not admitting to and fixing problems. Take my nano (I think it's 2nd gen) for example. It tends to lock up on first use after synching with iTunes. My friends nano (same gen) does the same thing. 3 years of being ignored.

@Lur: I don't think that it's unreasonable to say that perhaps iPhone + AT&T = problem. It may just be that the iPhone is worse than the others, combine it in the worst carrier, and it's a combination of everything that does it.

@brandedman: Yes, I'm sure all those men were more than happy to show you their genitals.

@vinod1978: While it is true that some users did press the accelerator instead of the brakes, Toyota's handling of the situation when both were pressed was incorrect and resulted in a software update.

@Lur: You're just arguing semantics. Considering that people have different sized hands and hold the phone is different ways, if my grip is close, then there likely are others whos grip is exact.

@Lur: Do you have any experience in electronics developement? I work for a multi-billion dollar electronics manufacturer and we've spent months just trying to troubleshoot a funky power supply design from one of our vendors. 22 days is nothing.

@Lur: Looking at the pictures from the Live event on Engadget, the grips that they are showing on the Samsung Omni, Blackberry Bold, and Droid Eris don't look that unreasonable to me... actually that's pretty close to how I hold my phone.

@vinod1978: The problem is that being clueless doesn't have any influence on whether or not there is a problem. Take Toyota, for example. Very few people were known to be affected by the sudden acceleration issue. More people, however, were believed to be affected and likely didn't realize it. And all owners were

@vinod1978: I believe that American consumers as a whole have had their spirit broken, so to speak. Do them wrong and people generally will not take action on it. Of all my friends, there are only one or two who would actually take the time to complain about something. Also, most consumers are clueless.

@Niklasnick: Without a time machine that is likely the case. However, if anything, I think the post-conference statistics will likely be positively influenced.

@Lur: How are they unjustified if the information is true?

@Krutch: Um, read that again.

@Lur: You do realize that all that time spent was not to come up with a solution but to determine and understand the cause of the problem right?

@ywpark: While I generally agree that the antenna issue may be overblown, there were a few other things I didn't like about this presentation.

@out0mind: I like everything but the floor. Not being able to walk around your own home barefoot is total fail.

Yay! Free bumper or bumper refunds if you already bought one!

The justice system in this country is hosed. 6 years for killing someone and hiding the evidence... You get a worse penalty for leaking movies.

@PeterNincompoop: um, did you even read this? The fine print was on the website. Not on the radio/tv/print ads that people saw. This is only legit if the fine printvis on the same medium as the ad or if there was at least some fine print on the ad saying to look on the website for details. Otherwise, they have no

@drdentz: I don't know. I'm an iPhone fanboi, but I've been finding the new anti-apple giz kinda amusing! I think that the prior giz with record levels of apple lust was far more annoying.