
@parkur: Okay, but the idea behind "one-click buying" is the same, too.

@Adam: Which is a fascinating tidbit of information, but one that is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

@mrm: Maybe the refund period has something to do with it? For me the ability to try out apps before committing to buying them is the single greatest reason I've spent as much money as I have.

@GreasyPig: Other online retailers are starting to catch on, too. Take's PayPhrase, for example. Clearly the entire idea behind that was to make it as easy to place a purchase as possible, so there is no time for the "reason center" of the brain to step in.

@djdare: Nothing about spaceflight is routine, even using the bathroom. NASA achieved their remarkable safety record by developing failsafe procedures and sticking to them, and every single one of their accidents was caused by complacency with regard to those procedures. Since there is no way to know ahead of time

@ara313: Please post the entire conversation in whitenoise.

@JabbaB: Screw science, I have the Internet!

@TedSez: That only sounds at least a thousand times more confusing!

@badasscat: At the very least an incorrect use of quotation marks.

No, if you buy a phone from HTC (not counting the Nexus One,) you haven't bought an "Android phone," you've bought an "HTC Sense phone," which just happens to be built on Android, and its most recent firmware might only be 1.6 or 2.0.1. This is all stuff the buyer should consider before making his or her purchase,

Long way to go for a boner joke.

Apparently nobody told the credit card companies the art form had fallen out of favor.

My car's a stick, so I really can't drive and text at the same time. I think we should just eliminate automatics.

@Mark 2000: Well, I can't really comment on this specific incident, I was just informing him that nudity alone is not illegal.

@I Think We're Property: Not necessarily. Nudity, even underage nudity, is not in and of itself illegal. Context is the deciding factor.

@uncle_jojo: The screen is about on par with every iPhone except number 4.

Anyone who watched Super Bowl XL knows how badly this is needed. The Seahawks got jacked.