
@Porkbun: To hell with slowing down, I like innovation.

@ThePaul: Why don't you see if Apple can make you a magical sense of humor before you post again.

@Kayno: I'm sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. I wouldn't even believe that about myself. Marketing affects everyone, even if we aren't aware of it.

@macpatrik: I'm inclined to give Apple the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time, having seen what resulted from the 22 days they took to "gather their thoughts," a part of me thinks that they were determined to ride out the criticism until the very last minute.

@DeathcomFour: Well, because it's an actual train, it rides on rails, so as it's riding over these worn out rails it's ripping them up and installing fresh ones. It can't leave the track any more easily than any other train can.

@Kayno: Apple has fanatical customers because they have the most effective marketing of any product in the last twenty years.

@macpatrik: Steve sure did in his e-mails.

@Standish: Motorola makes nice phones, but I wish they would knock off the Blur junk and go back to doing what they do best: tough, overbuilt phones with stock Android.

@AdamKaoru: What the hell are you talking about?

@DeathcomFour: I'm pretty sure what it was doing was replacing worn out track, not building a new line.

Maybe you're taking it too seriously, Brian. At the end of the day you're a talented writer for a major tech blog and that thing is still just a train.

@Interstella5555: Well, if you think of "the planet" as a generic term for "nature,' then yes, I think all living organisms are in a fight to survive against nature.

@BadPlasmid: They won't beat AT&T's price. That's not how the game works.

They aren't getting any from me. I don't reward bad behavior in dogs, children, or tech companies.

@rdelfin: What, me accessory to treason?

@chickennakatsu: The communiques sent from embassies and consulates back to their mother country.

@thomez: Why? He was in the military and managed to stay in the closet.

You just can't trust hackers.