
NGL but I’m really sick of seeing Yaya Han associated with it as if she’s ever been friendly or welcoming whatsoever to the plebians who aren’t there to enjoy her presence by shopping at her booth.

Source: I had the misfortune of being involved somewhat in multiple episodes of that godawful “reality” show, much of

If they can get into his facebook messages I feel like they’d have a case. Back when these assholes visited my town due to statue removal, they were stupidly open about their desires to enact violence against outsiders.

Those aren’t officers. That’s more of the Nazi-pigfuckers playing dress up.

You can go fuck yourself. Bonus points to you for that because it’s the only way it would happen willingly.

If not already, I wonder how long it will take for the death/rape threats to flood in for the person who started this.

Ugh, and it’s just sad that I read this and that is one of the first things I think of. How is someone shedding light on a situation going to be ruined by people looking in?

I get the feeling he probably got something written in “legal-ese” and it wasn’t clear enough or detailed enough for him.

Especially when he’s referred to them as “children” in his videos, or that a planned rival is the Male student’s younger sister. I’m side-eyeing that a bit.

Didn’t danganronpa get around things because they made the blood bright pink or something?

Clearly you haven’t looked hard enough. I’ve seen whole blogs dedicated to pointing things out (like the landscape texture he stole and used in his game and had to have it removed when the actual artist went after him.)

Gee, if he put this much effort into coding you’d think the game might be done by now. Who harasses people at booths at events? Most of the time they’re part of the lowest rungs of a company; they’re not going to be able to do a damn thing even if they have heard of his game.

He’s just salty and bitter and looking for

You know, I pulled up Kotaku, saw a snippet at the top about a game dev suing steam users, and I immediately thought, “I bet it’s Digital Homicide”.

Apparently I was not disappointed. 8D

I think I know which convention you’re talking about... and I was there, too!

Well, when the original game first came out they did catch a lot of flack for that.

(And as a side note the harms are growing out of her head, she has a magical hat?)


They just requested a key like everyone else was and the devs went off on them because the person making the request happened to have an icon that at least gave the impression they were for lgbt? They never explicitly said anything in their request.

So... you didn’t read the article?

The person requested a key like a bunch of other people were, they didn’t mention a thing about lgbt stuff, the dev just flipped their shit and assumed (like you) based on a quick glance of the user’s multi-colored steam icon.

It’s kind of like calling McDonalds and asking them for the time when the McRib will be out again.

She is critiquing them. She’s not holding a fucking gun to their heads saying “COVER THEM TITTIES NOW” or holding their checkbook hostage. They could just as easily ignore her suggestions and get on with making their game. So if you’re going to post definitions, might want to include the one for bullying as well.

Yes, think of the poor people who tell others they’re going to kill them! The poor things. :/

And you’re not?

They are. Sadly enough, they still do. Some even pretend to not be so obsessed about her as to give her and a few other targets “clever” nicknames like “Literally Who”.