
Probably A) the 1975 Plymouth Valiant I almost bought running and driving for $400 two years ago, and B) yelling at the tow truck driver who dragged my Tbird to Chattanooga last summer. The Valiant I now know was a steal, it didn’t matter that the trunk was rusted out at that price, and it turned out the tow truck

If they were to revise the front end, I would be all over it. It needs a V12, I would borrow every cent I could to purchase one


Still better than Fast N Furious


Volvo 240 Wagon with a 302 swap

You have won the internet

For $12k I would do it if I had the funds, but around here that extra $3-4K can net you some much cooler muddling shit

I know the LaCrosse got the LS4. Spent about a year looking for anything with an LS4 to make mine a sleeper before I totaled the car on a curb.

Ah, this. I was waiting for some muthafuckah to bring up that abomination. I wish Buick had put an LS4 in there as well.


Swear to god, looked at that and thought the Super Duty lettering had been changed to “Angry Cunt” for a nanosecond

Dunno, lost track after my blood was replaced with used motor oil and my soul with whatever happened to be in the fluid collection bin at Picknpull.

Diesel Jeep. Only reason I voted NP, is it’s a Diesel Jeep

I drove it a total of 4 months since I got it in Nov 2016. Engine out twice, radiator froze solid across the country, and a myriad of electrical issues worthy of an AMC Gremlin

The only true COTD

Excellent choice of vehicle. I have a shitty green version of it.

I got pulled over for doing 95 on the interstate. Funny thing is, it was a stretch I ordinarily would do 130+ on, but there were actually cars on that stretch for once, so I slowed down. Guess the cops didn’t think they could catch me or something on the usual days, because the officer who pulled me over said he had

David. Listen buddy, I know you want to find a fancy skid plate for your gas tank. Any old school (read THICK, thicker than a slab’s donk) sheet steel will do.

*solder, my brother