
I think the problem is that it looks like they took an awesome hatchback roadster, like the classic 1960's Jaguars or the old Datsun 240/260/280, updated it to match their lineup, and then fucked with the proportions to make it a 4 door

I am definitely in both categories.

The bland crapcans I drove for a while almost made me not a car guy. Really it was immersion in the fun car culture of my grandparents and great grandparents that kept me from being a point a to point b person like my parents.

What about Jilek (pronounced YEE-lick)? An older, refined chap who came over to the West with the fall of the Iron Curtain from around his homeland, Czechoslovakia? His past is a bit of a mystery (perhaps a clue being the reputation of WWII Tatras as “Nazi Killers”?), but he’s a jovial enough fellow that most cars

Definitely the Chevrolet/Geo Tracker. Can’t kill them, but it was a car I hated sophomore and junior year of high school. It didn’t look that bad on the outside, but.....

$20 2002 Cavalier. Beat all to hell by some assholes.

What about a 2008 Buick LaCrosse Super? 303HP V8 stock, sedan with quad headlights and the waterfall grille traditional of Buick, and the features of some higher end luxury cars. I have its 6 cylinder, 245HP (more like 220 right now) sibling from 2005, the CXS, and I can smoke tires for almost 10 seconds, even with

So here is one for y’all:

Probably the old Taco Bell I found in my great grandad’s Buick from last time I had gone for a spin with him (6 years ago, before he gave me the car that hadn’t driven in 4 years since he got his 1960 Jaguar Saloon).

If you ever decide that that sumbitch isn’t worth the fort to keep going, just bring her to Florida. There may be something wrong with me, but I have a preference for shitboxes from the 1970's onward

The odds I will need a hearse are incredibly small...

Suggestion: Jeep XJ Cherokee. Preferably the 2 door one, as they were pretty cool, and pretty bullet proof

Could always reappropriare a piece of pop culture and call them muggles. They don’t understand or care for the magic of horsepower, fast driving, and the satisfaction of that new engine going in without total problems.


You should buy a Studebaker Scotsman truck. 4 wheel drive, sexy, and perfect for the outdoorsy type

A 2001 Chevy Tracker. 4 doors of crap I wish I had for off reading still.

Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!! What happened?

Shoot, whatever it is should be fun, easy to work on, AND say “mon-ayyyyy” to even the non car people. Can’t beat a Fiat Dino for that, as while some are a bit of a project, they have been pretty well sorted out. It’s the Ferrari Ferrari never made.

And I thought some of the Southners around these parts had balls for still driving their 1960's pickups off-road...

All hell breaks loose and I am NOT in my buddy with the shotguns truck.