
It looks like a fascinating book, and the responses from some of the critics blows my mind. I hate to be that person. I can’t help but think that if she were a white man, her face would have been plastered all over the press after the book’s publication, and she’d be called a hero. But the book got mishandled from the

It wasn’t supposed to be an academic study. It was supposed to be journalism.

And how many writers really have enough clout to choose their publisher? You want to get published, you take what you can get. (And which major publisher that takes women as seriously as men should she have picked? This is an industry-wide

You know how women are; doing years of preparation, risking their lives, living in a country where they might be killed if they are found out, trying to tell the world about conditions that are deliberately hidden from us- you know, girl stuff. You can’t take it too seriously, you know how emotional they get about

This is insulting to her journalistic integrity and how much risk she took, but not surprising. I have noticed that a lot of books authored by women are marketed to fail. A few years ago, I decided to make an effort to read more female authors (and have read some amazing books as a result), but I can't get past the

Based on your discrpition, I think a form of “indentured servant” seems like a better discription than “slavery”. Slavery implies that she did not enter the situation of her own will. In which she technically did, however had no clue about how things were going to go down and how horrible her situation would be. It’s

In the stage show, the role of Frank has been played by both men and women, so that’s not an issue for me.

Come back with your finds?

Better get to the tanning booth or else all you’re going to be able to produce is a pale ale

I wonder what happens if she stays untreated, though? Would she have the same issues of someone who was a long-term alcoholic? I’m off to google...

IPA stands for “I Pee Alcohol”?

I’d want to stay untreated though. Low carb, yeast, sugar and alcohol free?

I know small batch breweries are all the rage these days but this is taking it a bit too far.

You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

LOL is all my MFA’d ass can come up with. It’s kinda like “mama don’t let your sons grow up to be cowboys” except artists are the ones we remember long after civilizations’ times have passed.

I’d hate to be the graphic artist who was hired to design that t-shirt.

Maybe that one stormtrooper that dies was his friend, and he doesn’t really care for any of the others? And I thought that his hesitation and reluctance in his first battle ever (on Jakku) was him not being 100% on board with the First Order’s ideals, so when he finds an ideal worth fighting for, he doesn’t mind the

This seemed like a good enough excuse to post this. (Must get own dog to put in footie pajamas.)

After doing an extensive Googleimage search the closest I could find is dogs in overalls.

Please understand that I am not and would never defend the police, but nobody took Dylann Roof to Burger King. Check Snopes, and also stop.

Obviously not.