
yeah, but then it’d just have been another douche who thought it would be funny to photoshop this.

Why is that more likely? I am not saying it’s not possible, but it actually seems like one of the LESS simple explanations.

It’s not crooked. It lines up differently bc it is next to an ‘A’ instead of a ‘P.’ I feel like the shirt being photoshopped isn’t really any more or less likely than the shirt existing.

Omg where can I find this??

You would think, but there are a lot of expectations — both within and outside marriage — on women to like, subsume their identity — legal and otherwise — to the man. It seems like a really stupid thing to do, but there’s a large extent to which it is culturally mandated. Which blows. I hope things turn out okay for

Right...they CAN be, but it’s significantly rare, whereas they are almost necessarily involved when marriage is concerned — even if you decide to settle out of court, you still need official third-party mediators.

It sounds like she’s looking for men in their late 30s and throughout their 40s, so, no.

No, but marriage does grant you certain legal rights if you split. Especially if you have a prenup.

All of the above applies to divorce, wherein she said her friends DO come out 50/50. If you aren’t married to someone, courts usually aren’t involved in divvying assets.

Or, like, at all?

Seems indicative of a pretty bad home environment. The father should at least be investigated.

I had basically the same reaction (obvi, bc we are the same person). Like, I have nothing glowing to say, but I feel like the combo of age/the way these evolved come together to say “a bit of a dick,” and that’s a perfectly fine reason to stop reading someone’s blog. Hugo Shwyzer’s entire MO was paternalistic

I feel like free breakfasts should just be distributed to those in need during the first class of the day. It’d put a limit on what foods you can give them, but I am guessing the food isn’t amazing to begin with.

I was about to say, I think to get Haim hair you might have to start with thick, Jewish hair, and then semi-straighten it...

My high school did things a little differently, and our homecoming dance my junior year was costume-themed. There were gonna be contests for best costumes, best couple costumes, and best group. I asked out this boy I had a CRAAAAAZY crush on, and he said yes! The prior spring, he and my bff and I had gotten togas for

That story is always part of our Seder. We also quote the Koran (briefly), and talk about whatever political issues are at hand in the context of when anyone is oppressed, we’re all oppressed.

I feel like having the last name "Success" is a great reason to pass it on. And honestly having no brothers is a reason too. If he doesn't want to give your kids your name, you could do husbandlastname-Success w yours as the latter one, which I feel like is usually the one that gets passed on?

He’s clearly one of those vampire-wannabes from that one episode of Buffy.

yuppppp. and what is really awful is when there is one guy who just unthinkingly posts “Happy birthday!” among the “miss you”/ “thinking of you today”s etc.