
I mean, he hails from an era when shrinks would call the husbands of their female clients to talk about them.

The drugstore part actually kiiinda makes sense — I am assuming he's referencing these:

Honestly I have no clue who either of the guys I posted are; I just googled "hipster dudes with hats and hoodies." But, yes. The things people do to keep their fragile worldview in tact.

Do these guys look like "bums" to you?

Yeah, I believe the standard for non-MD PhDs is to write "FirstName LastName, PhD" when you introduce them, and then continue with "Dr. LastName."

He's dressed like a hipster.

I started to write something to this guy about Occcam's razor and how just the fact that people concoct elaborate scenarios in order to claim "not racism" suggests that it is, in fact, racism. But as soon as I started typing I got so fucking tired and sad. Props for having the energy to try.

Yeah for a minute I thought it was some self-help book, but Loving v Virginia makes way more sense/is much more interesting.

Yeah, god, being accused of racism is the worst. It totally leads to things like not getting jobs/not being promoted, being followed around stores, being thrown in jail for basically nothing, being killed at a massively disproportionate rate...oh, wait. No, it fucking doesn't.

But I do think that the mainstream porn industry and consequently, the vast majority of the porn that people actually consume, is extremely exploitative of women and caters to male fantasies that are often very misogynistic or at best, just indifferent to female desires.

I disagree (on the red herring thing). Porn is often what teaches young guys (and to a lesser extent, girls) about sex and sexuality. There IS good/great/crappy-but-not-sexist porn out there, and that is awesome! But sooo much porn teaches lessons ranging from "average-looking dudes deserve hot chicks" to "it takes 3

Oh, I will brag about it to no end.

A friend of mine decided to do so on a whim about two years ago, and her novel is coming out in August :)


Oof, I couldn't handle a couple times a day. I talk to mine 1-2x a week. If I go more than like, a week and a half without talking to them I miss them, but any more that 2x a week is too much. Could you continue your Sunday visits, but cut your phone calls to maybe 2 additional times a week? They might get pissed, but

Also how often do you see her? My relationship with my mom was at it's best when both our work/living situations worked out so that we regularly saw each other once a week, for 1-3 hours, no more no less. The frequency stopped her from worrying about me obsessively. The rest of the week kept her from driving me nuts.

The tactic I developed around age 12 was just to say "yes mom," "okay mom," to everything, and then only do the things I wanted to do.

Yep, and it seems to continue to hold true.

who are you even? Also, stories?

Why do you think you're forgettable?