
My pup started having some neurological pain late in life, but it happened around the time my back got super fucked-up. So for almost a year, she and I were on the same medicine. Worked great for both of us!

My brother has a rescue who's half King Charles, half Bichon Frise. So fluffy, so sweet.

Heart problems, eye problems, arthritis. I (well, my family) have had two.

Mine just died a few weeks ago (she was old and sick and we did everything she could; I think it was a quick, relatively painless death), and these pictures make me so happy. Nell would never have tolerated the sunglasses, though.

Right. I think saying something out of ignorance once, being called on it, and changing is, you know, forgivable. It's when someone says something out of ignorance and not malice and then acts like that makes it okay/gets offended that OTHER people are offended (bc they didn't MEAN it!!!!) that the difference between

And the difference between "I am sorry to have offended people" and "I am sorry you were offended." The latter makes me think of those creepy guys in that church bro abortion video talking about how they'd been dating some girl and then she "got pregnant." Not on her own, buddy.

Yes. The "if" apologies are the WORST. "I am sorry that I said such an offensive thing; I should have known better, I was an idiot" = pretty much the only way people should apologize.

Equal playing field? Wasn't he saying the opposite?

And not even that much of an idiot — he had an idiotic moment, realized his words were much more harmful than he meant them to be, and apologized for his idiocy.

I think honest mistakes and genuine apologies go hand-in-hand. Just highlights the difference between good people who say something stupid, realize it, and apologize, and people who are asshats who couldn't care less.

My main problem watching Sherlock is knowing what a prick Moffat is. But yeah, that is a solid, proper apology.

But I mean, plenty of people *do*

Yes, I feel the same way! Reading Kat's writing and stuff on the-toast has been so influential.

I was gonna ask — as long as you're not in a super-densly populated area, couldn't you pretty easily find the people nearest to you, since you'd know what they look like? I assume (?) Tinder works the same way, which is the main reason I haven't gotten it — I live in a smallish town, and guys are creepy enough when I

The friend was a married lady whose husband was elsewhere at the moment (and like, four or five other people). Alas.

Oh man, I went on this date once that was fun but led nowhere (I may have posted this somewhere...this was where on a second date, a guy expressed apprehension about sleeping with me bc he didn't want to "break my heart."); we were at a concert, and during intermission we went to his friend's apartment to smoke and

Thanks! And Angela Carter's rewrites are absolutely worth checking out.

Also sorry that is HUGE.

There's a pretty big difference between not talking about race/pretending to be "colorblind" and having the common sense not to walk up to a stranger and ask them about their skin color/hair texture etc.