
My 'favorite' game:

My old elementary school band teacher got the "how are you SO tan" question a few times, but from, you know, nine-year olds. Not grown adults.

Is the Robber Bridegroom different than Bluebeard? Cause, that sounds like Bluebeard. I'd totally watch an Angela Carter version, where the girl's mom saves her instead of her brothers.

This was my FAVORITE Disney movie, and a few years ago, I realized that this super shitty pseudo-relationship I was in for a million years was just so ridiculously modeled on that awful lesson. "Abusive" might be too strong a word, but it was, at best, massively unhealthy.

I LOVE Angela Carter's fairy tale rewrites! Is this Bluebeard + other stories, or a larger collection?

Bluebeard? I can't even imagine how that would be nicenened-up. A singing iron maiden! A cute little song/dance number about washing blood off a key!

I'm hoping the casting of Emma Watson means they're aging her up a old was Belle in the disney version? Like, 16? 15?

Oh man, that must have been amazing. We always had a ton of books in the house, but they were stuffed in shelves in various rooms/piled on other available surfaces. I was happy to have so many books to read/look at, but the things I would have done (er, and would still do) to have a house with a *library* (as I type

I really want that blue dress she's wearing.

Actually, so-called "community service" is labor that the state gets paid for, or at least, that's how it worked in PA.

Yes, I have a Pride & Prejudice poster, and I want everything else there...(I'm in grad school)

Fancy alcohol/cheese/other food thing, plus an inexpensive keepsake that she can keep, like a mug w something witty on it. Or, if it's a lit degree, something from here:

Thyroid problem? Just plain old depression (can have lots of physical symptoms)? Mono sounds plausible. It is probably not a life-threatening thing, but definitely go to the doctor.

You'd think, but some people are so anti-western medicine/willing to believe that herbs and certain diets do as much as antibiotics etc.

I am doing laundry, although half the machines are broken so it takes FOREVER.

There are a lot of natural remedies that can be super helpful, but if the UTI migrates towards/gets into the bladder, or worse, the kidneys, it's badness. So if the herbal remedy *doesn't* work over the course of a day or two, antibiotics are probably the next step.

Oh, totally, I think Taylor Swift is a GREAT role model, and Trainor clearly isn't. The idea of seeking counter-examples to Miley Cyrus isn't crazy; saving your "secret" is. (Note: nothing wrong with waiting til marriage if that's what you wanna do. Just, that phrasing/attitude, ick).

No, there definitely isn't. Our national breastfeeding freakout is the DUMBEST THING EVER. And when women wanna wear low-cut tops or run in a sports bra bc it's fucking hot out (I don't say "without a bra" bc OWW) or whatever they should do it. But there IS something wrong the message that boobs/butts/whatever are the

I mean, that is actually a complicated thing, I think. No one should be valued less as a human bc they dress like Miley Cyrus, but when almost all young celebrities dress that way, a big part of the message that comes through is "this is what you have to offer the world, girls. However talented you are or you aren't,

Yeah, that part is WAY worse. Like, if you wanna say "hey celebrity types, I don't wanna see your genitals," fine, but the idea that ladies should keep their vaginas as a "secret" for some random man? Ugghhhh.