
Does she NOT remember when Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves were brothers in my favorite Shakespeare film ever!?!?

Yup. Unless race is actually part of the story, it doesn't fucking matter.

A pretty damn good one, if you want kids to cover a great deal of 20th-century history in a way that doesn't feel rote/boring. Creativity is necessary in teaching.

Is there a corresponding story?

Right? Like, I have nothing inherently against porn that involves consenting adults. Some of it sends really shitty messages, some doesn't, the "message" of this porn-lite seems innocuous enough, but that is all it is. It isn't artsy, it isn't edgy, people who are annoyed by disruptions to their commute aren't

Yes. Being clueless is totally forgivable, if people own up to their shit. Something like "wow, you're right, I really should have acknowledged the history of this song, the fact that it is very specifically about lynching and how disturbingly common it was when the song was written. I messed up, and I am sorry about

Where did you post the clip?

From the article:

Right, and he knew where her house was:

It's just one more piece of evidence that points towards the fact that the majority of "pro-lifers" are more invested in controlling women's bodies than anything else.

1. I am so sorry you went through that. I wish you healing and the exact number of future successful pregnancies that you desire.

Thanks! He seemed pretty harmless, so I felt like it preserved his ego while also guaranteeing that he'd shut the hell up.

Hahaha nope, but I bet she and I would get along.

After a guy I made out with one NYE sent me like, 10 texts (telling me he was "smitten"), I made up a story about how my boyfriend had been out of town/we'd been a rough patch, and it had been really fantastic meeting him but I felt SO BAD about cheating and every time he texted me I was reminded of my guilt. He sent

Depending on where you are in the country, you can find non-crazy religious AA groups. I've been dealing with addiction stuff in my family and have done a ton of research on this lately; there are official secular groups, but for the most part, if you look around enough you can find a group that gives you what you

Good for you!!

The absolute grossest is "slightly-pink-colored piss on seats."

I think she was responding to the multi-use mixed-gender bathrooms. I'd be uncomfortable with that too, whereas I am perfectly comfortable using single-use bathrooms whether they're gender-neutral, designated for women, or even designated for men.

It's not about not wanting to see dicks, it's about wanting to feel safe when I'm sitting down with my pants around my knees. Generally I don't expect men to be "lying in wait," but I'm sure there are enough dudes who would take the opportunity to at least peek that it'd be a problem for a lot of women. And yeah,

No it won't. SCOTUS has gotten *tons* of cases like this, and have been careful as to exactly what arguments to hear when. In DOMA, Roberta Kaplan and several of the justices (Scalia included) discussed a "sea change" in public opinion on gay marriage. At the time, 9 states had legalized marriage equality. In the few