
Crowdsourcing question: does anyone remember a New Yorker article from about a year ago wherein a prominent black scholar (mayyyybe Gates?) describes crossing the street to avoid a black man not wearing a suit, and then discussing how racism/racist stereotypes aren't limited to white people?

Yup, I got stuck in a lot of knowledge loops.

I think when you're getting serious with someone, asking why their relationship ended is totally legitimate.

1. I am SO sorry.

Yeah, I am sure. I have, at (rare) times, told certain friends I couldn't handle their good news at the moment but would be excited for them the next day/week, and have followed through on that, but I've only done so when I've really been in crisis.

Ah, that does suck then. I hope that never happens between me and my grad-school friends :\

Um, how experienced are you with date-rape drugs?

I always get in the cab before I tell them where I wanna go. That works 9/10 for me, even if they get annoyed. (But when it doesn't work it's usually when I'll be stranded late on a rainy night half a mile from the yellow line when I live on the red).

What way were they talking about their positions? If they were relatively happy, then they were being dicks to you. If they were talking about feeling stuck or unhappy and you chose that particular moment to share your good news, I kind of sympathize with them — you can *want* to be happy for a friend, but if you're

Scared off? How so?

Bulleit Bourbon is my go-to for "I can afford the bottle, and it also tastes good."

How do you know when you get to the end? Is it when you wind up in a biggish loop?

yeah, that seems like a stupid law.

That must vary; if you live in Jersey City it shouldn't be illegal for cab to take you to New York and vice versa. I grew up less than a block over the DC/MD line, technically in MD but spent the vast majority of my time in DC.

yeah. She doesn't look like an adult, but she definitely doesn't look 11.

Yeah...I totally understand where those people are coming from; terrible people can make great art (e.g. Woody Allen), and learning that the art you like comes from someone awful CAN be disheartening. I also think that while we shouldn't give money to people who do these things, once an artist is dead, you can still

Nope, some balding white guy.

They are! But at this point, I have had that conversation with just too many people. I'm also a UVa grad student so right now, all this shit is very much at the forefront of my mind.

God, I can't imagine. The first time someone I *really* loved told me about a rape I was 19, and she was my bff, and *I* had something of a meltdown. By the time I learned about a family member's (also my cousin's), it was nearly a decade after the fact and she was more or less okay, so I was more or less okay. Poor

It found that while the rate of sexual assault for non-students is slightly higher than for women enrolled in school (7.6 per 1,000 versus 6.1 per 1,000)