
I had an ex who would say "girlparts" and "boyparts." He'd also use other terms but.

YES. Someone can only refer to it as a "flower" if they specify it is a Georgia O'Keefe flower.

The worst kind of infection!!!

Linguistically they're pretty equivalent, but "cunt" has a much harsher connotation — calling someone a "cock" isn't really a thing, or at worst means they're unpleasant and arrogant.

To me, cock sounds hilariously porny, but guys seem to dig it, and so far, I've managed *not* to laugh when using/hearing the word during sexytimes. I'm pretty proud of myself for that.


Stately pleasure-dome?

My friend has one that folds up to look like a leaf-shaped keyring, and has gotten it through airport security several times.

And books, music, and a weapon. A pretty excellent mix of things if you ask me.

On the individual jurors, sure (and I kinda assume that's what you mean). But on other involved actors, I think there is definitely individual blame, as well as blame on the system.

I don't know we can say for sure race didn't have anything to do with grand jury decisions. It's entirely possible that it did. But race DEFINITELY had to do with everything that led there, yes.

Does Pew still only use landlines? I know Gallup is pretty bad about that, but I thought Pew was more reliable.


It might be overused, like any academic language that starts circulating outside of academia, but in its original use, but it also has a purpose. And it's describing racist and sexist attitudes/ways of viewing the world; how is the phrase itself racist? (This is not a rhetorical question — if you have an answer, I

Right, and that, to me, confirms that SOMETHING HAPPENED, some of the details she misreported to RS (like where they met her and what they said), who knows why, and some of the details I actually believe she was able to talk about more accurately later than at the time (lots of people cannot express what happened to

Right, and also the accused saying he never went out with Jackie. Like...were they expecting him to say "oh yeah I totes orchestrated a rape nbd"?

Exactly. I honestly found some of the things the guys said pretty far-fetched. It's easy to believe they did not say those exact things. It seems clear that the guy who brought her to the party wasn't in Phi Psi but another frat. Okay then. If the frat says they didn't hold a date function that night, they probably

That is true. Victims were and are silenced far, far too often. But there is still nothing that exists now that would be helpful for this particular case, which is terrible, but unchangeable.

I don't doubt that Cosby raped these women, and I don't doubt that it happened where and when they say it happened. But when things happened this long ago, there just isn't a logical way to prove it. That SUCKS, and I don't blame these women for not coming forward (to the cops/media) earlier bc we are absolutely

What kind of documentation? It'd be pretty unreasonable to expect to have years and years worth of every party thrown and every guest in attendance, and even then, that wouldn't be worth much. There's really not much police can do to investigate a decades-old rape. I absolutely believe these women, the public support