
I think you're fine. In the future I'd maybe leave out the "sorry I was awkward" part and just say you had a good time, but this is like, 10million times more embarrassing in your head than it would be to any rational human outside of your head.

I would try presenting it as just a basic part of being a healthy, sexual active adult, and not like a big scary THING. And if you can, maybe make a day of it, like STI testing and ice cream/ manicures/a movie/etc.

Oh, yeah. Therapy is amazing but can be SO difficult.

I have no advice but, I have okc now and pretty much never get messages, and the ones I do get suck; I had a very similar profile in another city a couple years ago and got TONS. I think a lot of it just has to do with where you are.

Yup. I think most of the time I manage not to think about how scary it is. But it's there and it is so, so scary.

That level of pure, unbridled hatred toward women is so fucking terrifying.

Right. I can easily believe some of the details aren't true. Maybe it was five men, not seven. Still a horrific crime, still a serious trauma. Maybe the things she claims they said were embellished. Again, still a horrific crime, still a serious trauma. I really cannot express how furious the retraction/reactions to

My therapist does CBT stuff. I am also on some meds, and the combination is very helpful. Shit's still hard but, honestly, 2014 has thrown the most horrible, difficult things at me I've faced yet, and I have been okay. Not great, but okay, and that is all due to the two above things.

Ugh, I am SO sorry.

It depends on how long you hibernate. I think acknowledging your feelings and letting them wash over you is good, but don't let yourself go too far down that road. If you're going into work regularly and interacting and stuff there, then let yourself do what you need in the evenings/on weekends. If you don't have some

You're only a freshman? You seem older (in a good way. And apologies if that sounds weird, I have had a lot of scotch).

You constantly win at life. How do you do it???

Who cares what's popular? Good things to watch are good things to watch!

I have had a couple nights where I've just gone out (well-fed), sat at a bar, drank slowly, made eye contact w a cute dude, talked to him, and gone home w him. I never stay over w one-night stands, and I have NO idea how to guarantee being safe — generally I am very aware of guys who push me to drink more, or tell

Well, actually, raising prices 30% would give WAY more money to business owners than the system they're trying...but the 30% increase would also (it seems) give more to servers, assuming even tipping practice. That is the discrepancy that I find weird.

Oh, no, you are totally right — I looked at the quoted part and what was under it but not the intro paragraph, my bad.

Neither of the costs above are about an increase in minimum wage — one is an included service cost, the other is a food price cost with otherwise regular tipping. The first would not put any money in owner's pockets. The second would.

Right, but that was included in the calculation.

The above math is just WEIRD though right? Like, duh, increasing food prices by 30% and keeping the regular tipping system will be more for customers, but certainly not equivalent to a mandatory 15% service charge for servers, either...

Sittig tells Inside Scoop that this isn't just an issue of fairness: it will save diners money. The alternative many of her fellow restaurateurs are considering is raising prices 30%, which will affect customers far more.