
I am going home very, very, single, having thought until about a week ago (and still holding out some pathetic hope) I'd finally started dating someone cool. Normally, I am not bummed about my singleness, but right now, I SUPER am.

Yup. And also — both victims of rape and victims of shootings like these are constantly blamed for provoking violence against them. Committed a horrible, violent crime against a person [as a white man]? No big. Said the "wrong" thing, wore the "wrong" thing, and got hurt or killed? You shoulda known better.

All I can hope is that when I tell my kids about the things that happened in my young lifetime, they will find it as crazy as I found...well, I am trying to think of examples of things that are no longer and all that is coming to my mind is "actual, legal segregation [instead of de facto] and women not being allowed

Eh. I don't think he should be KILLED but. Getting an INKLING of what it's like to be scared every day? Of what it's like to navigate a world in which many people think you should be locked up or dead? I'm okay with that.

Where do you live and can we come over?

And probably a (ghostwritten) book deal?

"didn't mean to offend you or anything" ugh ugh ugh

Also, six bullets. And sadly? This guy is one of the least awful up there in at least acknowledging Michael Brown was "the wrong guy."

Yeah...if my family were conservative, I just wouldn't go home this year. Thankfully of the 25ish people who will be there, I can count on about 20.

I think we need better blue shells and lightning bolts though, these ones aren't doing it right.

That is excellent.

You'll find that privilege exists in many different forms throughout the world.

You know that thinking that Asians are like, magical, or something is also racist, right?

Good clarification. Though, I think it'd be worth calling your friends on stuff like that — I only started doing so recently, but a lot of my friends have been pretty awesomely receptive. I don't make a big thing of it; when a friend says something really inappropriate (rape-jokey or racist jokes) I just say "Noooope"

I had a similar thing happen where it took about five years to understand what happened to me (which was an assault but not a rape) wasn't okay. I had a lot of panic attacks in the months following that realization, which were not helped by my then-shrink telling me she was more concerned about my drinking (five

Is anything "old-fashioned" in a good way? (Besides, like, soda fountains and scotch).

Note on the dry sororities: In VA, PA, CA, DE (that I know of, probably other states), it is illegal for a certain number of women living together to serve alcohol. That is an INSANE law and needs to be fixed ASAP.

We shouldn't have to be grateful that we weren't raped, or sexually assaulted. That should be an absolute right, not a lucky pass.

On a very small-scale example of that, I was once sitting next to a dude on a couch and I made an offhand comment about how drunk I was. He responded (in a jokey voice) "drunk enough that I can touch your boobs?" I laughed bc I thought he was joking; he laughed then reached over and grabbed my boobs. I punched him

Uh. I mean, I'm glad they didn't do anything, but that simply isn't true. It IS true that there are far more people who joke about that shit (although that does perpetrate the culture) than actually do it, and that there are people who act like good but are actually horrible. But the correlation you claim simply does