
What book?



Thanks, we need it!

Oh, yeah, I am *furious* at the administration. And we're working on revising that policy again. But I hope that, with the national spotlight we have now, the excellent efforts by faculty, staff and students can inspire similar action elsewhere.

Yes, the faculty have been AMAZING.

Ah, but when the rapists are the sons of wealthy donors and "well-respected" men...

I wouldn't say "all." She's gotten very mixed reviews from survivors. It seems like she's decent at being *comforting*, but does absolutely nothing else.

Just know that there are people here who care a lot, and who are fighting! The English faculty in particular has been amazing. I'm not proud of the school, but I am proud of the faculty, staff, and students who've been rallying the last few days.

My biggest pet peeve. Also, "statute of limitations" does not apply to things people SAY about you bro. It applies to, you know, jail.

Yeah it's not the "potential" thing for me it's everything you said, but even more so, that adults with relatively happy/healthy childhoods get to build an identity, learn to build healthy defenses, have good childhood memories to tap into, etc. I didn't start experiencing Really Bad Shit til I was 18, and I am very

Well, I think I tend to get angrier about horrible things happening to kids than to grown-ups; at least grown-ups with non-traumatic childhoods have had time to form an identity first. Or maybe more heartbroken is the right way to say it?

I totally understand that feeling. I'm the youngest of three (but a semi-grownup now), and in August, some really rough stuff happened with one of my older brothers (he is doing better now). I came home from school and the three days I was there, I didn't cry, I just did my best to care for my family. As soon as I got

I'm a UVa student, and this week has been so horrible. In addition to the RS article and everything that has followed, a first-year committed suicide, yesterday a friend and I helped a barefoot, frozen, clearly-drugged girl find her way home (after she refused an ambulance); she'd clearly been in the cold for hours,

Because grief comes in waves, and on a weird timeline. I don't think not having cried yet is at all strange.


Ahhhhh me too! Both because that would have been an amazing connection/story/we would probably have had to get drinks and talk about what a weirdo he is, but ALSO because now I know that there are at least two of them walking around with their fancy degrees...

Hmmm, I could seeee a resemblance but it's not a striking one. Initials AK?

AND he was super into paying, even though I had a job and he was a student. God there were so many flags...this was also the guy who dumped me via defriending me on fb.

He also had a copy of Nine Stories in his bathroom. If it was the same guy, that will make my day.