
It does indeed! He was really, really short, but with very nice eyes. Familiar?

A guy who doesn't vote (assuming he has capability to do so). About a year after a guy I'd been pretty crazy for had broken my heart, I found out that he just doesn't vote because he doesn't "see the difference between anyone in politics lol lol lol." Bullet. Dodged.

I don't do that at fancy places, but I do do it a lot. But it's because I crave/consume CRAZY amounts of sodium which I think has to do with having really low blood pressure? But in general an unwillingness to be adventurous food (obvious exception for health-related reasons) is unattractive to me.

A boy on a date once called my swearing unladylike. I told him I wasn't "a fucking lady," then ordered a basket of french fries and ate all of them. It was a good night.

Oh man. I went out with a law student from a super-fancy law school who tried to argue that mandated child support was a violation of the 13th amendment. (You know, the one abolishing SLAVERY).

Um, now I kind of wanna look up "magic Mormon underwear."

Mustache with no beard is actually a deal breaker of mine, but only bc it reminds me of my dad, and that grosses me out. I feel like to ask someone if they've "heard of" the Beatles, you have to be acting on a bet, right?

Ah, this is a good clarification :)

It's one thing when people who get help from their parents don't understand what a HUGE privilege that is and think their success is solely attributed to their own efforts. Or, people who live off their parents while making *no effort* to start a real career or steadfastly pursue a worthwhile ambition. Or people who

The worst are the Classic Cannon book snobs. I mean, I admit I am a little bit of a book snob. I've read/not-liked/been pretty dismissive toward a lot of popular things (beyond Twilight). But...try new authors. Read women and non-white people. Read things written in the last decade. Jeez.

Omg, please tell me you read things he wrote and now you will share the best-worst sentences with us? Because I bet it is AMAZING.

I enjoy a modified missionary. I think it's a genuinely great position and it's pretty much always part of it for me, but mixing it up is important too.

Lots still going on — the frat was vandalized, there are more protests today, faculty meetings, grad student meetings. Beyond the protest this afternoon, not sure what undergrads are organizing, but it seems the RS article has really had an incendiary effect, which is great.

Of course not. That's not the point. I've talked to a lot of other grads today about ways to talk to students about this, about ways to talk to the administration. People here need to be focused on changing things here.

Um, inaccurate.

Her mom picked her up mid-semester and took her home. It took me all day to read in little bits.

I'm in the grad school here; there's a protest happening today, organized by undergrads, but it looks like a lot of faculty plan to attend as well.

I wouldn't mind my joints/organs/brain not aging too far past 35. Gray hairs and wrinkles are all good; after 7 months of a back condition that's made me function like someone 3x my age, I'd like to that. And dementia is one of my worst fears.

That is not why you'd get judged for wearing them...