
In the late 90s/early aughts, we'd do this with little gem-colored stickers. But I was in middle school then, so it was for Bar/Bat mitzvahs.

Gluing rhinestones to your face also totally counted as "glamour" in 7th grade (early aughts), but really that needs to never extend past middle school.

...the point was that that story doesn't exist, because women are supposed to be incompetent in tech (and other STEM fields), whereas that assumption does not exist about men. If the story were about how Barbie couldn't open a jar and needed men to help her, would you say "the genders could be reversed therefore it's

Find me a story where a clueless boy gets tech help from two much more competent girls, and then I will believe you.

While Swank isn't the same box office draw Jones is (though she was in Million Dollar Baby, and also got an Oscar for her portrayal of Brandon Teena, and was *amazing* in Iron Jawed Angels), that is a gross oversimplification. Do 5 minutes of research on women in Hollywood. It's been male-dominated forever, and it is

My mom actually gets mad when either my brother or I swear, which I appreciate for its neutrality. Also, an exception is made when we're using cusswords while talking about the fucking GOP is just shitting all over everything.

Once I was on a date with a boy who told me my swearing was unladylike. I told him I wasn't a fucking lady. That should have been my exit but...I was young and he was *really* hot.

Well, having been grabbed/slapped/cornered/threatened/other things by men within my age range (as well as much much older men), I have been left feeling unclean and awful and down on myself and scared. (As to the attractiveness of these men? Honestly, most of their faces are blurred out in my memory, and I just see

I always love the things you write. I definitely still have a great deal to learn about trans experiences, but these posts are always great. And I also always find it so, so interesting to hear from both trans men and trans women how much, and in what ways, their experiences change depending upon how they are read.

That actually doesn't sound like the description. I mean, I'm sure it's 100 other kinds of awful, but not that particular kind.

True, but a lot of straight-size models are also really tall, but waifish. She is really tall, and slim but not waifish and with big boobs. So I guess I am saying...her proportions are a lot closer to what is attainable for many people, but yes, certainly not what would be considered "plus" in any other world.

And pretty wonderful satire, at that.

Now now, killing your guests at your thanksgiving dinner would be wrong! The proper way to handle this is send your guests home with disease-infested blankets, wait for most of them to die, kill the survivors, and THEN steal their land. Goodness me.

Yeah, they were Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers fucked the rest of us over pretty damn hard. But we take selfies so, THE WORST.

I can't imagine. It really fucked w my mind for a while after that guy ghosted on me, but it was only my pride that was battered then. Adding a broke deserve all of the chocolate.

Yup. I am both very small and have low blood pressure, which means that if I don't eat enough, I get light-headed and cranky, and if I eat too much, I get stomach cramps and sometimes throw up (not at all by choice. I love eating. I hate throwing up more than almost any other feeling.) So there's a very narrow range

I mean, yes, but I also hate that phrase. I call for replacing it with "real adult."

But is shitty. Not in a "whine whine it's so hard being skinny" way. In a...why should elevating women who have been ignored by the fashion industry etc have to mean dismissing other women? Why can't women of any size be "real"? Sure, it's different to shame skinny women than fat women bc in general it IS

I didn't have weight issues with Lexapro, but I can speak to some of the other symptoms: the dizziness will go away, as will the headaches; with anxiety I think it can be hard to tell whether SSRIs are actually increasing your anxiety or alleviating the depression lets the anxiety rear its head; it varies but for me,

I love you for this.